ᯓ✦ : 𝟎𝟎𝟔

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Suddenly, Atlas was dragged by Aiden and his parents, along with Ben. The five of them stood in front of Ashlyn's house.

The door opened, revealing Ashlyn's parents.

"Ah." Aiden said as he looked up from his phone, "Hi!" He greeted energetically.

Aiden smiled at Ashlyn as she finally comes out of the bathroom.

"Sorry for coming on such a short notice." Aiden's dad started, "Aiden told us Atlas, Ben, him, and your daughter have been fast friends, and so we wanted to introduce ourselves-"

Ashlyn's parents began to wheeze and cough.

"Oh my, are you two alright?" Aiden's mom questioned with a caring tone.

"Don't mind us, go on." Mr. Banner stated. "Y-yeah, sorry," Mrs. Banner added.

"I was just saying that we're happy to see these three boys fitting in. We move around a lot so Aiden's always been homeschooled. Even for Ben and Nana, it's been awhile since they gone to public school."

Atlas felt a little bit shy whenever someone said his childhood nickname, 'Nana'.   'They need to stop using that nickname in front of others.. people are gonna ask questions..'  He thought in his head.

'Who's Nana?'  The Banners shared the same thought.

"Oh, that's exciting, are you guys having fun?" Mr. Banner asked with a smile, feeling excited for the teenagers, earning polite but cheerful "yes, Mr. Banner." from Atlas, a nod from Ben, and an excited "Yep!" from Aiden.

"Especially with the field trip." Aiden added.

Ashlyn became alert, staring suspiciously at the fake blonde as she took some sips from her cup, 'wait is he—'

"I thought it'd be fun for Ashlyn to come along too..." Aiden smiled.

"What field trip?" Mrs. Banner questioned.

"Oh you don't know? The kids have this group history project about Savannah." Aiden's parent answered.

"Oh right, Ash was talking about that earlier."

"Their teacher also planned a field trip to Savannah for the project. It'll be an overnight trip, though."

The parents finally finished chattering together.

"Here." Aiden hands Ashlyn the paper, "In case you decide you want to go."

"Thank you for the tea, Mrs. and Mr. Banner." Atlas said with his usual soft smile as he waved his hand.

Aiden also waved his hand, "It was nice meeting you Mrs. and Mr. Banner." He smiled.

"Auntie, can I go skateboarding for awhile? It won't be longer than an hour" Atlas asked as all five of them walked to their house. Their house is just one house down away from Ashlyn's.

"Of course, dear." Mrs. Clark said with a sweet smile.

"Be careful, though, nephew." Mr. Clark ruffled Atlas's hair.

Atlas grabbed his skateboard before he went out of his room, heading downstairs. He put on his shoes, then he goes outside.

He put his airpods on, picking his playlist before he starts to skate. "Touch my neck and I'll touch yours," He mumbled the lyric of the song that's playing through his airpods, "You in those little high-waisted shorts.." He hummed along as he kicked hard and picked up speed, the warm breeze rushing past.

30 minutes have passed and he has gotten a little bit far so now he decided to head back to his home. Skating down the sidewalk, he bumped into something, causing him to fall down onto someone.

"What—"  "ow-"

He looked over and saw the boy from his class. The one with glasses and looked like a puppy. "I'm so sorry, are you alright?" The taller boy said with a worried tone as he helped the puppy-like boy get up.

'Seriously... why do I keep bumping to this guy?' Atlas thought quietly in his head.

"N-no.. it's okay." Logan answered with a small smile.

"You're Logan, right?" Atlas said as he looks down at Logan who's fixing his glasses, his usual soft smile visible on his face.

"Oh, yeah, I am. You're Atlas, right?" Logan said softly with an embarrassed smile.

"Mhm," He nodded his head as a response. Suddenly, he felt something dripping down his leg, so he looked down. His eyes widened a bit as he noticed a gash on his leg that's bleeding pretty badly.

Logan followed his eyes and notices the wound, "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY!?"

"I think so... but it kinda hurts." He replied calmly with a soft chuckle.

Logan winced as he continues to stare at the wound, "It looks bad, let me take you to my grandparents shop, it's right around the corner. If... that's okay..?"

"I don't wanna bother, though" Atlas smiled.

"NO, you really won't! I-I mean.. you won't bother..." The shorter boy said timidly.

"You got dirt on your face." The taller boy started.


"There." Atlas said, pointing to the spot on his face. Logan then wipes his face, trying to get it off, "Did I get it?"

The tall male chuckled softly again, "No, here let me" He said as he lean in, gently wiping the dirt on Logan's face.

Leaning back, he realized that was probably not the best thing to do, because now his friend; Logan is all red. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get in your personal space," He stated, sending Logan an apologetic smile.

"I-it's fine," Logan said, feeling his face heat up more. The tall male only smiled softly as he saw Logan blushing more.

"We should probably get going now." "Right."

"Damn, where did that flower came from? Not surprised honestly, you're pretty popular" Aiden said as he went inside Atlas's room without any warning.

"Right I am." Atlas grinned, a hint of playfulness in his tone, "I got these from Logan's grandparents, for free."

"For free?" "Mhm"

"you sure they won't charge you after a few months?"

"But they seem sweet, though." Atlas answered, earning a nod from Aiden, the fake blonde still kept his smile.

" Atlas answered, earning a nod from Aiden, the fake blonde still kept his smile

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