15 - true friendship is the blood pact we made along the way?

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"No." Was all I said after I heard Levi's crazy idea. It was not even in the slighest amount of sane. In fact, I was so shocked, that the only thing I could do was stare at him blankly with an apparent judgemental look.

"Oh, c'mon! It would be so cool! Just like in 'The Seven Lords' story!" Levi gave another try into making me follow his plan.

"If Y/N is not doing it, I am not doing it either!" Mammon shrugged his shoulders.

"No one asked you." Levi said grumpily.

It was truly a miracle that none of us ran for the exit and instead chose to keep sat down after hearing Levi's plan.

"Y/N?" The purple-haired demon looked at me with puppy eyes. For a moment, I almost folded.

"I said 'no'! Do you want to hear it in spanish? Nó!" I answered while crossing my arms as if to defend myself from Levi's puppy eyes.

"To be honest, your idea is all ways of unhinged. Even if I was a dumb and naive human like Y/N over there-" He pointed at me and received an immediate glare. "-Even then, I would not agree."

"Now you are making it sound dangerous! You think I would want to hurt Y/N? All I want is for all three of us to partake in a blood pact of friendship just like in TSL! Wouldn't that be cool?!" Levi went on his fanboying rant - the true dynamics of the characters, the obstacles they went through and of course - the final results. What mattered in the end - friendship.

I couldn't help but let out a soft smile. "You know...this is kind of sweet." My quiet remark silenced both of them.

Mammon who understood where I was going with this grinned cockily. "It is, isn't it! My poor lil bro is just too shy to tell us the truth, huh?!"

Levi frowned in annoyance at his brother's wording. "What are you talking about?"

"You must love us a lot!"

With Mammon's final answer, Levi looked down and while we couldn't see the expression he made, his next action told us more than any word else could ever. He reached behind his back - and a pillow went straight to the avatar of greed.

Unfortunately his brother was much faster and he expectedly dodged.

"Y/N! I think it's time for us to run!" He said before dashing without even waiting for me.

With his absence, the weird atmosphere between Levi and I quickly returned. He did not dare to look at me as I too had my eyes turned to the floor.

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