Chapter 473

427 48 18

The silver-coated creature stares at me, completely unharmed after taking a point blank hit from my most powerful attack.

I'm positive I just blew apart and incinerated over 70% of its body, but in mere seconds it managed to completely regenerate despite me destroying all of its organs and even its entire head.

The creature walks forward and speaks up again.

"Do you see why you are weak? A simple hit to the head or heart will cause irreversible damage in a human body. No matter how much you train, or powers you gain, you will always be an inferior species."

I grip my sword tight and point it forward in a ready stance, waiting for it to finish its point and for the battle to move on.

"Just like my birdbrain partner that I use for a ride, even it is fragile enough to be taken out by your Qi-based attack. One hit in the vitals and it's all over. Such weak creatures..."

My eyes widen as he speaks these words.

From what I recall, fighting the 7th ranked guard, it couldn't see my Qi blades at all, and from what I saw in my moments fighting with the 6th, it wasn't able to perceive them either. Somehow, this metal monster is able to...

Almost as if it has read my mind, the 2nd Ranked Dark Guard continues.

"Just like your Red Soul Energy, I too have borrowed power from the Dark One I am capable of using. However, myself and two other Dark Guards have cultivated Qi and awakened our own Soul Energy. This is why I choose to leave the Dark One's Power Dormant, it's not necessary."

The figure grips his spear tight.

"The Dark One. That being is the only one that is truly strong. You are a fool for challenging its all-powerful might. You're just a human..."

He points his spear forward at me, then lunges forward in a flash of silver speed.

A loud vibrating twang echoes throughout the open desert as the layers of silver energy around its spear tip collide with the dense energy manifestation of my Mana and Qi soaking my sword.

Its spear is deflected and it bounces back in the air a few meters before flying back in toward me.

In my greater form, I'm much larger than it is. Even so, its speed and power do not surpass my own. I'm able to easily block its incoming strikes as it sends in more and more pointed at my heart, head, and upper spine.

It isn't hard to block any individual attacks, and the amount of mana and Qi being used up for just pure defense is rather manageable. It feels as if I've finally obtained the advantage in this exchange. However, there is no time to relax. Its machine-like precision still keeps me on guard.

Every few exchanges, I'm able to see an opening in its movements. There is no mistake that it's made, it's just not physically quick enough to escape my blade.

I land slashes across its torso, slicing off limbs, and even an attack with my elongated sword in my Greater form that cuts off his head at the neck and incinerates it entirely on the spot.

Every time, its mass bubbles and reforms, regrowing everything it's lost without any change in expression or power level. The monster even blocks a second incoming attack with the tip of its spear before its entire head has even grown back.

Over 10 of my attacks land, and over 30 total exchanges of blocks and dodges pass, but not a single time has it managed to land any on me.

It doesn't show any emotion, and no signs of slowing down, so I decide to try a few more options.

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now