The First Threshold

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The next day, after all the exams are finished, Celeste takes a walk by the Black Lake. Normally, she does this with Cedric. She and him have gotten much closer, especially after most of her other friends left her.

But today she doesn't walk with Cedric, leaving him to celebrate the end of exams with his Hufflepuff friends (who still can't stand to be around Celeste). He protested, telling her that he'd rather be with her, but Celeste knew that he did want to be with his other friends.

And so, Celeste Malfoy is walking alone in the sweltering heat of the day when she hears a voice call her name.


The girl turns around to see Fred running after her, followed by a guilty looking Lee and George. The boys reach her and the girl looks at Fred expectantly.

Fred nudges the other two.

"We're sorry, Celeste," George is the first to say.

"We were upset about the points, but that's no reason to ignore you," Lee explains.

Celeste doesn't say anything, still looking at Fred. "Freddie, do you hear anything? Or is it just a bit windy today?"

The boy smirks and plays along. "No, Celeste, I don't hear a thing..."

"How strange... Care to join me on my walk?"

"Why, I'd be delighted!"

Celeste and Fred begin walking side by side near the Black Lake, effectively ignoring the other two.

George and Lee chase after them.

"Celeste, please!"

"We said we're sorry!"

"The wind is really blowing today!" the girl says to Fred, talking over the boys.

"Positively gusting!"

"Strange, because it's been silent for a month now... You'd think if the wind wanted to blow, it never would've stopped!"

"What?" the boys all ask at once.

"I don't know," the blonde laughs. Then she turns to Lee and George. "But, you two, do you really think saying sorry is enough to make up for ignoring me for a month?"

They both look guiltily at the ground, shuffling a bit in discomfort.

"What can we do to make it better?" George asks.

"We'll do anything!" Lee says.

Celeste smirks at the two and they immediately realize their mistake. "Anything?"

Celeste, Fred, George, and Lee are at the edge of the Black Lake. Lee and George are both sporting bright, neon pink mohawks, charmed by Celeste herself. Only she gets to decide when they get their normal hair back.

After Fred and Celeste had stopped cackling, the four had decided to befriend the giant squid. There is no reason for it. It's just because it'll be really cool.

Celeste carefully steps in the water first, trying not to startle the squid. She approaches it and it avoids her, but doesn't swim away.

Laugher comes from the three boys on land.

"Why don't you do it, then?" she challenges them.

Fred and George jump into the water, making two great splashes and scare the squid away.

"Oh, now you've done it!" she yells at them, though it's obvious that she's not really angry.

"You're the one who told us to try!" George defends.

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