❥ protective ~ m.s ❥

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~Warnings~Cursing, fighting, PDA (Suggested by MattSturniolo34),

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Cursing, fighting, PDA (Suggested by MattSturniolo34),


If any of the warnings trigger you, please skip the chapter.

Word Count: 3,691

"Matt, are you ready?" I ask, looking over at his room.
"Yes." He walks out of his room smiling.
Nick and Chris are already in the car so Matt and I head to the garage, hand in hand.
We get in the car and start heading to the fair.
It's not as fun as the one at home but it's L.A. so that makes sense.

Once we get there, we all get out and make our way to the entrance.
"I'm so excited." Nick squeals.
I giggle and Matt comes up to me and puts his arm over my shoulders.
I look up at him and he leans down to kiss me softly. We pull away and I look over at Nick freaking out over a giant stuffed animal.
I roll my eyes playfully and we walk around the fair.
Eventually, I part away from Matt to go on a rollercoaster with Nick.
Once we get off, some guy walks up to me.
"Hey, you're really pretty. Can I have your number?" He asks.
Before I can even respond, Matt walks over and slides his arm around my waist.
The guy stands there dumbfounded for a second and walks away.
"Yikes." I whisper.
Matt chuckles and we walk back to Nick and Chris.

We were having a blast until Nick spotted a certain someone across the way from where we were.
"Is that-" I start.
"Matt's ex." Nick whispers.
Matt and Chris are over by the concession stand near them.
His ex and her friend are talking and pointing at Matt. He doesn't seem to notice.
"I wonder how this will play out." I whisper.
Nick rolls his eyes playfully and we, quite creepily, stare at Matt and his ex, waiting for the moment Matt sees her.
Just as Matt is about to look her direction, I feel someone slap my ass.
I spin around and punch the guy in the face, practically breaking my hand.
"Fuck!" I shout, shaking my hand.
"You're the one in pain? You just broke my fucking nose, you bitch!" The guy shouts, whilst on the ground holding his nose.
"Nice shot." Nick chuckles while walking over to me.
I squat down and hold my hand.
"The movies don't tell you how much that actually hurts." I chuckle.
I hear running and look over to see Matt and Chris.
"What happened?" Matt asks, squatting next to me.
"What happened is your girlfriend is a badass who just punched this douche for smacking her ass." Nick smirks.
I shake my head chuckling and keep holding my hand.
"Let me see." Matt whispers.
I let go of my hand, he takes it and examines it.
"Not broken, but it will bruise and hurt like a bitch for a couple days." He says, kissing my forehead.
I smile and look over at the guy.
By this point, security came over to see what the commotion was. Once I explained what happened, the guy was taken out.

I stand up slightly and gravity gets the best of me. I stumble back a bit and Matt wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close.
"Thank you." I say, softly.
He looks down at my hand while his grip on my waist tightens slightly.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks.
I look up at him, still holding my hand.
"I'm okay." I smile.
He smirks and wraps his other arm around me and pulls me closer.
I stand on my tiptoes and connect our lips softly.
My hands slide up his chest and around his neck and he pulls me close so our bodies our touching, deepening the kiss.
We pull away slowly and I look over at Nick and Chris who are talking amongst themselves.
My eye also catches his ex, shooting daggers at me.
I smile at her and she rolls her eyes.
Matt looks down at me and takes my hand in his.
We walk over to Nick and Chris slowly.
"I take it, you saw your ex?" Nick teased.
"Had to let her know I'm taken." Matt shrugs.
I giggle and we walk over to a picnic table.
Nick and Chris sit on one side while Matt and I sit next to each other on the other side.
My gaze wanders a bit to see Matt's ex, walking up to us.
"So, it looks like she's blind." I whisper.
I notice that she adjusts her shirt a bit to show off some cleavage and my blood boils.
Matt rolls his eyes and keeps looking at his food as she approaches the table.
"Hi, Matt. It's so great to see you again." She says, looking at him.
I lift my leg over the bench carefully and scoot closer to Matt.
My hand sits on his leg and I look up at his ex.
"And who are you?" I ask.
"Oh, just an old friend." She smiles.
I nod my head slightly and set my other hand on Matt's shoulder.
"Kind of strange that an old friend would make sure her boobs are perked up to come say hi, don't you think?" I ask.
Matt chokes on his food slightly and Nick chuckles.
She looks me dead in the eyes.
"And what, you're the paid off side chick?" She sasses.
I chuckle slightly, shaking my head.
Standing up, I pull my leg out and get between her and Matt.
"I'm the bitch that'll beat your ass if you don't stop flirting with my boyfriend." I whisper.
Matt wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
She looks down to notice this.
"Nice to know his type changed to mouthy bitches." She scoffs.
"Mouthy? I can do more than talk, bitch. Can you?" I ask.
I try to walk closer but Matt's grip on me tightens.
She looks down at my already bruised hand, looks back up at me and starts backing away slowly.
"Sorry." She whispers.
She walks away and I turn around. Matt's arm is still around my waist.
"How many fights are you trying to get in?" Nick chuckles.
I shrug my shoulders and look down at Matt who's chuckling.
"I have no problem with it. I missed the first fight." He whispers.
I smile and walk back to my seat.

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