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~Warnings~Anxiety, cursing

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Anxiety, cursing

If any of the warnings trigger you, please skip the chapter.

Word Count: 4,305

Today's the first day of the triplets tour and we're sadly awoken incredibly early.
"5 more minutes." I hear Matt groan, pulling me closer.
I giggle and turn around slowly to face him. His hair is covering his face slightly but his eyes remain closed.
"Matt, come on." Chris groans.
Matt just mumbles and his hand slides on my waist.
"I got him, you guys go get ready." I smile.
They go to their respective rooms and start getting ready as I look down at Matt to see he is awake but staring into oblivion.
"It'll be okay, Matt." I whisper.
He sighs and looks up at me.
His hand slides up my waist and caresses my face softly, "I'm really glad you're here." He whispers.
I hold his hand softly and smile, "Me too."
I sit up which then causes him to sit up and get out of bed. He walks over to the bathroom and I grab my phone to start going through my socials.
My tags are astronomical because the fans know I'm here.
I scroll for a bit until Matt comes out of the bathroom and lays down next to me again.
"You need to get ready." I giggle.
"Can't we just stay here?" He pouts, laying his arm across me.
"I wish." I giggle.
He gets back up and starts going through his suitcase so I get up and make my way into the bathroom to get ready.

Once my makeup and hair are done, I walk out of the bathroom to see Matt on the bed on his phone.
Talk about switching places.
I walk over to my suitcase and pull out my outfit for the day, change and sit next to Matt.
Nick and Chris walk in to see we are ready and they usher us to get up.
"Come on, we can't be late." Nick says.
We get up and walk into the living area of where we are staying and I walk over to the fridge, grab a Redbull then we leave to the venue.

When we get there, we hang out backstage as we hear the fans piling in. They're all of course excited and Matt grabs my hand gently.
"It's okay." I whisper.
Laura hands the triplets each a microphone and nods at them.
"Here's the moment you've all waited for! The Sturniolo Triplets!" Laura announces in a mic.
The triplets run up on stage as I watch from backstage.
"Hey guys!" Nick says in his mic.
"Hi!" Chris says.
"Hi everyone!" Matt says, looking a little nervous.
The crowd screams in excitement as they start their first "act".

~Mini Time Skip~
The triplets come backstage as some stage hands start to get their Q&A portion of the show ready.
"Are you sure you want to come up with us, Y/N?" Nick asks.
"I'm sure." I reply, looking over at him.
He smiles.
We all walk up on stage together, the fans seem to get more excited as we all take a seat.
I sit on the farthest end next to Matt, then Chris sits next to him, then Nick is on the other end.
Matt grabs the pen off the table, grabs my hand and starts doodling on my palm.
I look over at him and he looks more relaxed.
"Okay guys, so this is our Q&A portion. It's going to work like a panel so we have a mic set up down there and we're going to answer the questions asked in the mic." Chris explains.
"And we have a special guest, obviously. If you guys don't know, this is Y/N, Matt's girlfriend." Nick says.
"Hi everyone!" I say into my mic.
The crowd screams and I chuckle quietly.
"Okay, let's get this rolling." Chris says.
A girl in a Fresh Love hoodie walks up to the mic.
"Hi, my question is for Chris. Do you have a rough timeline on when you're going to do another drop?" She asks.
"Not right now, but as soon as I know something, you guys will be the first to know." Chris answers.
She smiles and walks away from the mic.
I look over at Matt who's still doodling but also still paying attention.
"Hello, my question is for Y/N." The girl says.
I look over at her and smile at her, "Go for it."
"Do you have any merch or projects you're working on?" She asks.
"I am currently working on something, I can't say too much yet but like Chris said, once I know, I will let you guys know." I answer.
She smiles wide and walks away from the mic.
"My question is for Matt." Another girl asks.
He looks up.
"This is a stupid question but what are you doing?" She asks, laughing lightly.
"Oh, I'm just doodling on Y/N's hand. It helps with my social anxiety." He explains.
"You can ask another, since that one pertained to this exact moment." Nick says.
"What are some ways you handle your anxiety?" She asks.
Matt thinks a moment and looks over at her, "Writing and listening to music helps me, but I know that Y/N prefers talking." He answers.
The girl looks over at me and I smile, "He's right. Even if I'm not talking to anyone, talking just helps my brain sort through my feelings better."
She nods, smiles and walks away from the mic.
"My question is for Nick. When are you coming out with more flavors for Space Camp?" A guy asks.
"I'm currently working on a couple new ones now so hopefully soon." He answers, smiling.
The guy smiles back and walks away from the mic.
"I have a question for Y/N. What's your top 3 favorite things about Matt?" A girl wearing triplets merch asks.
"Only top 3?" I ask.
Matt looks over at me and chuckles lightly.
She nods.
"Well, I won't fully answer because there are some things about him I'd like to keep private. But my top answer is his smile. My second favorite thing is the fact he's breathing, and my third favorite thing is his mattitude." I answer, giggling slightly at my last answer.
He rolls his eyes playfully and the crowd cheers.
"I agree." She says into the mic before walking away.

𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔬𝔩𝔬 𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔱𝔰 ~ 𝔬𝔫𝔢-𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔱 𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now