❥ hoodie ~ m.s ❥

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~Warnings~Cursing, mentions alcohol

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Cursing, mentions alcohol

If any of the warnings trigger you, please skip the chapter.

Word Count: 3,738

Featuring Sam and Colby, TaraYummy, Jake Webber, Johnnie Guilbert, and LARRAY.

~Matt's POV~
I can't believe I agreed to go to yet another party. I really don't like going to parties but because I skipped the last one Nick and Chris went to, I guess "I owe them" or whatever.
"Are you guys ready?" I yell.
Nick and Chris walk out of their rooms.
"Yeah." They said in unison.
We walk over to the garage and get in the car.
I open the garage door, back up in the driveway, close the garage, back out of the driveway completely and start following Chris' directions.
"Whose party is this, anyways?" I ask as we get on the highway.
"Y/N's." Nick says.
My heart drops and butterflies start fluttering in my stomach.
"What's it for?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.
"She hit a million subs on YouTube." Chris says.
I nod my head and keep listening to Chris' directions until we pull into a gated community.
I pull up to the guy in the box as Nick rolls his window down.
He looks over at us, "Reason for your visit?" He asks.
"We were invited by Y/N for a get together." Nick says out the back window.
"Names?" He asks.
"The Sturniolo Triplets." Nick replies.
He looks at the list and nods his head, "Go on in." He says as the bar rises.
"Thank you." Nick says.
He rolls up the window and we pull into the neighborhood.
"Fancy." Chris chuckles.
"Seriously." I say, smiling.

We make our way up to her house.
Luckily, I'm not seeing drunk people roaming around her front yard so I'm hoping this isn't like Tara's party. I can't imagine the aftermath of that. It was wild.
We get closer to her house and see a sign with our name on it in her driveway.
"Oh look, we're special." Nick says, smiling.
I chuckle, pull into the spot and park the car.
We get out and walk up to the front door.
"Do we knock?" I ask.
Nick rolls his eyes playfully and opens the door.
It appears there is alcohol but not as much as I expected.
We head over to the living room to see Y/N sitting on the couch with Sam, Colby, Jake, Tara, Larray, Johnnie and a few other influencers.
"Hey! You guys made it!" Y/N says excitedly, standing up.
Her dress sways slightly as she stands up.
"Of course." Nick says.
She walks over to Nick first and pulls him in for a hug.
She's wearing a short, puffy white dress with some white heels. God, she looks so good in white.
"Am I shrinking or did you grow? Good grief." She giggles.
Nick chuckles, "You probably shrank." He jokes.
She slaps his arm lightly while smiling.
Ugh, she's so perfect.
She walks over to Chris next.
They hug and she looks over at me.
She blushes and wraps her arms around me.
"I'm glad you came." She whispers in my ear.
We pull away and I smile, "Me too." I whisper back.
"Can I get you guys some drinks? I made sure to get all kinds of sodas, including your favorites." She says backing up and looking at each of us.
"Really?" Nick asks.
She nods her head and leads us into her kitchen.
She opens her fridge to show literally every soda known to man, including our favorites.
"Thank you." Nick says, looking at her.
"Of course." She smiles.
Fuck. Her smile is so perfect.
She walks back to the living room and leaves us in the kitchen.
"Are more people coming?" I whisper.
Nick shrugs his shoulders, "She told me she didn't invite too many people. Not a big partier, I think. Also, the last party she hosted turned into a shit show really fast."
I look up at Nick confused and he sighs.
"I'll tell you later." He whispers.
I grab a soda and we all walk back to the living room.
As if on purpose, Nick sits on one side of Y/N, while Chris sits on the other side but leaves a space for me, directly next to her.
I feel targeted.
I sit down next to Y/N as she continues listening to Colby talk. She pays attention really well, but I can she her cheeks turn a bit red as I sit back.

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