❥ run ~ c.s ❥

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~Warnings~Cursing, mentions assault, guns

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Cursing, mentions assault, guns

If any of the warnings trigger you, please skip the chapter.

Word Count: 4,415

Song Recommendation: Run Boy Run by Woodkid

"Let me go!" I yell.
"Not until you tell me who he is!" My ex shouts.
"It's none of your goddamn business, Max!" I shriek.
"If you won't tell me, then I'll find out!" He yells.
"I won't let you! You can hurt me all you want but you will leave him out of this!" I scream, pushing him off of me.
I turn and run the opposite direction as he gets off the ground and chases after me.
"I will find you again, Y/N!" His voice booms throughout the void I seem to be running in.

My eyes open and I look around to see I'm in the safety of Chris' room.
His arm is draped over me. I slowly turn around to be met with him in a peaceful sleep.
My heart warms just watching him, until I remember the nightmare.
I look at the clock for it to read 4:37 AM.
Carefully, I get out of bed, making sure I don't wake up Chris and walk into the bathroom.
I close the door and turn the light on to see the bags under my eyes. My heart begins to race as I realize what today is.
3 years ago today, my ex was arrested for assault.
I turn on the faucet quietly, cup my hands to get some water and splash my face lightly.
Looking back in the mirror, his voice rings in my head.
"I will find you again, Y/N!"
I shake my head slightly, go back into Chris' room and grab my phone.
Walking downstairs, I head to the kitchen to make myself a coffee.

As I'm waiting for the coffee, I look outside to see the sun is starting to rise.
I grab my coffee and a blanket, go sit outside and watch the sun rise.
This peaceful moment is of course interrupted by my phone ringing.
Looking down, the number is blocked and a pit begins to form in my stomach.
I answer the call hesitantly and put it up to my ear, "Hello?" I ask, my voice trembling.
"Y/N. It's dad. I had to call you on my work number." He says.
"Jesus dad, you scared me." I huff.
"I wish this call was happy but I have bad news." He sighs.
The pit in my stomach grows more.
"He's out." He says, quietly.
No, no, no, no, no.
How? It's only been 3 years!
"What do you mean, dad? How is he out?" I ask.
"He got off on good behavior. But, Y/N, you need to run." My dad says, concern growing in his voice.
"Does he know where I am?" I ask.
"I don't think so. But, you remember how persistent he was." He huffs.
"Dad, I have a life here. I can't just run away. Can't you do something since you're a cop?" I question.
He sighs, "There's nothing I can do unless he breaks probation. Which would be crossing state lines. So if he comes after you, you need to call 9-1-1 and he will get locked up for breaking it."
"If he finds me, he will find Chris. I can't let that happen." I sigh.
"That's why you need to leave." He says, softly.
I turn to look at the front door, picturing Chris peacefully sleeping and let out a heartbreaking sigh as tears beginning to form in my eyes.
"I can't just leave them." I stutter.
My dad sighs.
"What if he finds them first and I'm not here to protect them?" I ask.
I'm met with silence.
"I hate when you act like your mother." My dad chuckles.
I smile, "Keeps her spirit alive."
"If you're not leaving, then you need to arm yourself." He suggests.
"And I still can't tell them?" I sigh.
"No. If they know then they will probably be in more danger." He says.
"Dad, their lives are also at risk. I can't not tell them." I whisper.
"We may need to enact plan B then. I know you don't want to do it but it may protect them." He sighs.
Plan B: Break up with Chris and move as far away from him, Matt and Nick as you can.
The thought makes the pit in my stomach start to feel like a black hole.
My heart aches as I think about it.
"Why don't we go with plan C?" I ask, wiping tears from my face.
"Are you sure? That puts you in an extremely dangerous position." My dad says, unsure.
My phone vibrates and I pull it away to see an anonymous text.
"I can't keep running. It may be too late for plan B." I whisper.

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