part 2- the move 📦

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- time skip to the day of moving -

finneys pov:


i smack my alarm and yet again, roll out of bed. today if the official day, we are moving! i pack all my clothes, my action figures, and most importantly my spaceships, into their matching boxes. (knock knock knock) "ready to go finney?" my dad says excitedly. "COMING" i yell, quickly getting the last of my stuff.

"dad has never been this happy. i guess he's just really excited to leave?" i say to gwen, walking out the door. "i guess so. i'm gonna miss this place, but hey i guess new people are cool too?" gwen says semi-sarcasticly.

"finney, finney! FINNEY!" gwen yells. "sorry i fell asleep" i say rubbing my eyes. "no shit, c'mon we're here!! come get your boxes!!" she shouts motioning me to come out. as i walk out, i see our new house. "how the fuck did he afford th-" "what was that young man?" my dad sturnly says. "oh nothing! i was just saying how nice it looks!!" what a shitty lie..

as we are unpacking i hear the school bell ring, we lived around two blocks away from the school, walking distance. "when are we going to be starting school?" i ask. "the school form i had to fill out says you're starting tomorrow! lucky you guys!" i roll my eyes making sure to stay smiling.

a few hours later after we're all done unpacking, i hear the doorbell ring. "finney can you get it? it's probably some old pe-" i swing open the door and it was infact not an old person. it was a boy around my age with curly blonde hair, a cheeky smile, and a batch of muffins in a container.

"hello?" i say, the boy still frozen in his steps. "oh uh.. hi.. i'm griffin. you're the new kids?" "yeah we just moved in a couple hours ago, i'm finney." "nice to meet you finney, my mom sent me over here to bring you some of the baking she made, yknow a lil house warming gift?" he says with that smile again. "oh, thanks! i'll tell my dad you stopped by" i say smiling. "i'm guessing you're going to my school, so see you soon finney!" i wave bye and close the door.

i turn around to see gwen, right infront of me. "cute! muffins! and even cuter, that boy.." "ew gwen stop!! we've only been here a couple hours don't start this!!" i yell, laughing. "whatttt i can't help it!!" she says rolling her eyes. "DAD SOME KID BROUGHT MUFFINS HIS MOM MADE AS A WARMING HOUSE GIFT!" i scream. "it's house warming, dumbass" i hear gwen chuckle.

me and gwen are watching tv when our dad interrupts. "kids, it's getting late go get ready for bed" "okay" "okay!" we both say, waking to the bathroom. "i hope the kids at this new school are actually decent people" i say messily, toothpaste coming out my mouth. "same here, i wanna also have some decent teachers!" gwen says, i give her the thumbs up. "night gwen" "goodnight kid"


you guessed it, i smacked my alarm and rolled out of bed, nervously waiting for when school starts. i pick out a "first day of school" outfit which included a jean jacket, a blue shirt, and basic jeans. (seem familiar?🤗)

as me and gwen are walking to school, we hear a shit ton of kids run to a circle and start yelling "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" before i know it, gwen sprints over and i can't do anything but chase her. in the circle, there was a real ugly inbred looking big guy.. and another kid, my size with long straight black hair.

as the fighting gets more intense and more gruesome, i drag gwen out of the circle. "what the hell finney that guy looked like a jerk! why couldn't we stay?" she whines. "gwen that's nasty and it was getting out of hand" i say, nearing the path where we split off, "bye gwen! have a good day if you need me, come get me" i say happily. "yeah yeah, whatever bye!!!!" she smiles.

as i'm waking into the school, the bell rings, not only did the bell ring, i completely forgot that i don't know my schedule! i frantically walk around, trying to find the main office, but i find the library instead. i walk in and see that kid that was at my door yesterday. "uh.. griffin is it..?" i say awkwardly. "oh hi finney! is somthing wrong" he asks. "so like, where do i go..?" i cringe. "i mean i hate everyone here, but since you're new, i guess i could give you a lil tour." he gets up.

"can you show me to the office? i need my schedule." "oh  sure! follow me" he motions for he to follow him. i grab my schedule from the office and find him still waiting there. "don't you have to like.. get to class?" "i mean yeah but- what's your schedule?" he says peeking over my paper infront of me.

"so nosey" i chuckle. griffin rolls his eyes. "alright so i got art, english, math, than french. do we have any classes together?" i say, hoping we have atleast 1 thing together. "holy shit! math and french! i'm basically with you the whole day! by the way, i don't know if you saw that mexican kid fighting the ugly big guy? he's also in our math. we have mutual friends but make sure to not mess with him.." griffin says staring me in my eyes.

"jeez lol i wasn't going to anyway.. he seems pretty cool" i say with a slight nervous laugh. anyway, see you griffin! i should get to class. "bye finney"



This one was a big longer!! stay tuned for the next part i will prob finish it today but i'm not sure.. SORRY IF THERES ANY BAD SPELLING!

1004 words

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