part 8- your secrets safe with me 🗞️

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finney pov:

after a while of thinking, looking down at my paper, and wondering if what i said to griffin was good enough, billy comes back from his surprisingly short washroom break. "7 minutes on the dot." billy says to our teacher. her rolling her eyes at him.

- time skip to when finney gets home -

as me and gwen walk inside our house, i see our dad with a beer bottle in his hand, passed out on his chair. today was friday, so he got off early. "gwen, what do you want to eat?" i ask her. "not like you know how to make much, but can we just have some kraft dinner or something? i'm not too hungry" she says.

as we are both finishing up our food, i remeber how i am supposed to tutor robin today. i didn't know if i was still going to go to his house or not, since he wasn't at school today. "get me if you need anything" gwen says walking off to her room.

i put my dishes away and grab the paper with robins phone number on it, from underneath my bed. (beep boop beep bop) *RIIIIIINNNNGGG*

robin pov:

i'm in my room drawing, as i hear the phone ring. i didn't go to school today since i didn't want to, and plus i lied to my sister saying i had a headache. "ROBÍN EL TELÉFONO" brooke screams from across the hall. why did i always have to get it? i answer to a familiar voice.

"robin?" it's finney. "hey finney! what's up?" i ask. "nothing much, i was just wondering why you weren't at school today? oh and also if i could come over for tutoring." finney asks. i have to admit i did forget about the tutoring, but i wanted to see finney.

"oh sorry i really didn't wanna go today, so i pretended that i had a headache" i chuckle. "but sure, you can come over in like 20 minutes?" i suggest, knowing my room isn't clean. "see you then!" finney says, hanging up.

finney pov:

i had to leave for robins house in 20 minutes. i rushed to the bathroom, wanting to look my best for robin. i still don't get why i want to, but it just feels, right. i write a note for my dad saying "i didn't want to wake you, i am at a friends house sleeping over, call his house if you want me home" leaving robins phone number beside it.

as im about to walk out, the phone rings. "hello?" i say. "hey finney! it's bruce, do you wanna hangout today?" he asks. "i'm about to go to robins house, but i can ask if you can come?" i suggest, bruce agreeing. i call robin, and he agrees and says to invite a few more people for a group sleepover.

i call griffin, billy, and bruce back to let him know, where bruce invites pinball vance. we all make it to robins house, duo by duo, me being alone of course.
everyone introduces themselves though they've heard of eachother, and gets comfortable with eachother.

"so guys, you wanna watch a movie?" robin suggests, everyone agreeing. "what movie?" griffin asks, "yeah what movie?" billy says after him. "texas chainsaw massacre." robin says, putting the disc in. again? we watched this not too long ago! i guess he just really likes the movie..

its getting decently dark out now, and we've all sat ourselves in the spare room, consisting of a bed, and a couch. we're all scattered around the room, me and robin leaning on eachother. as i look over, i see griffin and billy getting really close, and billy putting his hand on griffins leg. i'm pretty sure billy feels the same way.

we continue the movie, with the occasional jumpscare causing me and robin to only get closer. i even grab his hand at one point out of plain fear. not noticing i didn't let go. "okay it's done! what did you guys think?" robin asks, scanning the room for everyone's opinions.

"great!" "good:)" "scary but good!" "cool" everyone says, making robin smile. god i loved his smile. even if i was at my lowest, his smile could bring me right back up. "can we get a refill on snacks and drinks?" griffin suggests looking at everyone.

"if you're so needy then go get them yourself" robin says, chuckling. "since nobody told me what they want, i'm just getting a little bit of everything. billy, do you want to come? not sure i can carry all of the food" griffin asks. was he finally going to tell billy what he was thinking? if he does, i hope everything goes well for him.

griffin pov:

i asked billy to help me get the snacks, because im not sure if i could carry everything. i obviously could, but i wanted to confess to billy. i don't know why, but i did.
i could feel finneys eyes locked on to me, as he's the only one who could clue in.

as me and billy walked out of the room and headed downstairs, we saw robins sister brooke, watching tv on the couch. "hi brooke where is the pantry? robin sent us to get some snacks." i ask her, looking around. "that door over there, in the kitchen" she points.

the pantry was around a corner so she couldn't see us. perfect. we both walk in and start browsing up and down, looking at all the snacks. if i wanted to do it, i needed to do it now.

billy pov:

nobody knows this, but the reason i wanted to become friends with griffin is because i found him actually kinda cute, well nobody can know that ofcourse, since basically the whole town knows me, and nobody likes those kinda of people these days.

griffin drags me downstairs and asks brooke where the pantry is. he brings me inside and we both start looking at the snacks. a part of me thinks griffin is straight, and would reject me on the spot, but another part of me hopes that he would like me back.

griffin pov:

"so uh.. billy!" i nervously say, trying not to look too obvious. "sup" he says back. god why was i doing this. is it too late to just turn back? i close the door just in case. "i don't know exactly how to say this so im just going to tell you straight up." i say.

"i like you billy, a lot. and not as a friend way, more than that. i hope you can understand and we can stay friends, if not i can just leav-" i get cut off with billy cupping my cheeks with his hands and bringing me into a soft, but passionate kiss. finally.

i pull away at around the 5 second mark, blown away by what the fuck just happened, standing there wide-eyed. i then lean back in and we begin to slightly tilt our heads, only digging deeper into the kiss.

we both pull away and are both bright red. "i guess that kinda says what i was gonna say, too." billy smiles, still the same shade of red. "come on, let's go back up" i say laughing.

as we are walking through the house, we walk past brooke. "secrets safe with me" she says, not bothering to look back at us. "what, you guys think you're slick? my show wasn't loud at all. you on the other hand.." she chuckles.

"oh uhm.. you don't care?" i say, now pale. "again, secrets safe with me!" brooke says, still looking
forward. "okay.!" me and billy both say, walking
back up the stairs.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHH FIRST KISS OF THE BOOK. sorry it's not rinney i got carried away smh.. but it's coming soon😏🤫 this chapter was a bit longer!!

1315 words :>

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