part 13- Mr. invisible 🎨

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griffin pov:

i jolt up to the sound of my alarm. i smack it, roll over, and throw myself out of bed. (real) i walk into the bathroom to shower, only to find out mid way that i forgot to bring a towel. great. i hop out, and brush my teeth, fix my hair, all the usual stuff, then do a risky run back to my room, hoping nobody is in the halllway.

i throw one of the usual outfits i wear. a plain t-shirt, some jean shorts, a couple thick bracelets, and my beat up shoes. i only wore the bracelets because it hid something i wanted nobody seeing, not even myself. it reminded me of my dad and my past with him. and i
was better off with nobody knowing anyway.

i know my dad felt sorry, and i know he thinks he's a changed person, but every time i look at myself i just
get reminded of him and his past, with all of his problems, mainly focused around alcohol and grief
of my half brother, who passed before i was born.

i silently leave my house with too much time to spare, and begin my walk to the hellhole we call a school. atleast i was in grade 9 so nobody popular cared about me. (real) i walk in and head straight to the back of
the library, my usual, passing all these different people who know nothing about me, but yet i know everything about them. it's crazy what you can learn about
people by just listening.

as i unpack my sketchbook i start to think about how i left finney hanging back in the hospital, and how i must've caused him so much stress.. i mean they could've been more discreet about it but i didn't really imagine robin arellano liking guys.. i mean we (gay ppl) aren't really.. common these days.

i brush my thoughts off like usual and continue to wait for the bell, when i hear the doors open and see a familiar face. you know you're in for a real good conversation when you see someone who you silenced the last time you saw them..

he stares at me the whole time he walks over here, sitting in the chair right across from me. "heyy.!" i look up, smiling. "answers." finney says. "god okay so y'know i was basically ju-" *RIIIIIINNNGGGGGG* "im coming over at 6, you're telling me everything" finney says,
still remaining eye contact. i slide him my address
and walk to first my period.

finney pov:

i wanted answers, and quick ones. i barge into the library and find griffin, in his usual morning spot. i sit down and only manage to get out "answers." before the bell rang, and i told him im coming to his house today.

i walk down the hallway i normally walk down, headed to first period, when i see matty, matt, and his boyfriend buzz. i've never seen them come this way before, guess they just wanted to see me. i walk down the hallway
at a normal speed just staring them down with a half disgusted look, them returning it.

- time skip to after school -

i hear the bell scream at me, and realize it's time to get ready for griffins. i scurry out of the door and meet gwen at her exit. we then begin to walk home, having small talk about different subjects and whatnot.

i walk up to the driveway and see it empty, meaning our dad isn't home. i unfold the paper in my left pocket that griffin handed me back at school, and dial his number.
"hey uh.. griffin?" i ask. "hi finney, you can come over in around 10, my parents won't be home so we won't be a bother to anyone." he says back. "okay!" i return.

i hang up the phone and leave yet another note for my dad to read when he comes home. "hey dad, i'm at my friends house, but not for long, please don't be mad.." i scribble down. "GWEN, IM GOING TO THAT MUFFIN KIDS HOUSE, I WONT BE LONG" i scream, trying to wedge my feet in my shoes.

"OKAYY BYE SAY HI TO HIM FOR ME" she replies. i fly out of the door and begin my walk to griffins house. i get there around 10 minutes later and knock on his door. "hi griffin" i hint a smile. "hey.. come in!" he smiles back. "this is my million dollar home.." griffin rolls his eyes.

we make it to his room and sit down, sitting in silence for a while. "oh, my sister says hi by the way.. she kinda thinks you're cute." i say. "oh, thanks? not many people say that.." he says back. he begins explaining the story on how he saw us at the vending machine from the washroom and how he saw us.. kiss.

i guess i zoned out at the beginning but i still understood, but something that really snapped me
back into reality was him saying "kiss." but then he begins to say stuff that i never would've guessed, ever.

"i've always known." he sharply looks up raising an eyebrow. "you what." i say back, sternly. "i could tell, in math class, i was just waiting for it to happen" he replies. "oh." is all i managed to get out. "well, do you like, see us together? this is all still kinda weird.." i scoff.

"you two compliment eachother. and better yet, robin has a soft spot for you." "me?" i reply back. "if i tell you why, you can't tell anyone, because this will get both of us in trouble." griffin says holding out his pinky. i complete it and he starts rambling about how robin
was before i came.

"so basically robins always been this stuck up tough dude who fault, like a lot. his dad was not really a good person, and always taught him to bottle his emotions and to never recognize them. oh and they get into arguments. bad arguments. i've been observing for years hoping i could do something, but i just can't." he says.

"oh." "yeah.." "well why is he so different with me? and where's his dad now?" i ask him. "see finney, you're blind, robin sees you as an escape and someone who he can trust and speak about himself truthfully with. and about his dad, robin and him had their worst argument that night, then he figured out that his own father abandoned him, off to war, where he didn't come back."

griffin is speaking, looking like he's been the one going through it. "this has been going on for years? how do you know so much?" i ask him, out of genuine curiousity. "like i've said, you spend your whole life basically invisible, you start to pick up a thing or two about reading people." he says, looking down.

griffin pov:

as i'm explaining robins backstory, finney looks weirdly uncomfortable after every detail i give, almost like he's hiding something. i finish speaking, then finally look up to him. "finney, are you okay? you don't look the best.." i ask. then he admits somthing that i could almost tell, but wasn't for sure.

"me too.."


GUYSSSS why is this so sad like what. also PLEASE comment if this story is getting boring.. i have it planned out in my notes but i also need input from you guys yk. ALSO THANKS GOR ALMOST 500 READS WTF. sorry for any spelling errors and tysm for reading!!

1268 words 😒🫸📞

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