part 16- the end 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏽📞

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"i should've known.." the man says, was that.. dad? i really hope not. but again who else would it be? i guess ill find out tomarrow. i doze off into the dream world not knowing what is about to come my way.

i wake up the next morning, my mind focusing on getting ready for school. (yall idk what day it is let's js not talk about it okay🔥) i throw on my normal outfit, after brushing my teeth and taming my hair. i still don't know what i ingested last night, but i think it's mostly out of my system by now.

i walk into the kitchen, to grab something quick before leaving the house. when i see dad, walking back to
the table, with his belt and a beer in his hand, drunk.
i know i shouldn't say anything, but im curious as to
why he's just randomly holding his belt at like 8 in
the morning?

"morning dad, whats with the belt?" i ask, both of us now sitting at the table. "oh nothing, it won't be used unless you give me some answers on where you were last night.. other than that, no use!" he says, hinting a smirk at the end, ho-ly shit it was him! "i- uh.. i was
just out with a friend, it's not a big deal, i'm safe.

"see finney, i don't give a mother fucK, if you're safe or not, it's the fact that you left my house without telling me and ventured off with random people, that i don't know." "and also that you lied, and got your drink
spiked at that party you were at. i'm buddies with the homeowner." he says chillingly, playing with his belt.

i knew there was zero way out of this, so it didn't matter what i said, or did, from this point on. "yeah, i did go out, and i did lie, and my drink WAS spiked, maybe if you weren't self diagnosed with being bipolar i would've actually told you!!" i argue, on the verge of yelling.

"lord forgive me-" "oh shut it, we all know you're just saying that in hopes not to go to hell even though we all know you ARE." i cut him off, yelling. "OH NOW YOU ARE PUSHING IT." he screams, now about 2 feet infront of me. and before i know it, he starts wailing
that fucking belt, in all corners of my body.

after countless minutes of screaming and crying, i feel every body part slowly go numb, and realize that maybe this is it? after all the happiness i've had over the last few weeks, maybe my own father kills me. but at-least gwen will be safe without him. maybe she can live with amy, or really anybody.

gwen pov:

as i'm getting ready for school in the bathroom, i notice countless big beer bottles on the counter. "what a slob" i say to myself, continuing to dry my hair. "AUGHHH PLEASE STOP" i hear someone scream. FINNEY. i run out into the main room to see my father wailing at him like he is some sort of animal, and of course finney lying there, unresponsive..?

"DAD STOP" i scream at him, making sure to keep my distance, "SHUT UP GWEN, THIS DOESNT INVOLVE YOU." he screams back, now pointing the belt at me. "HES UNCONSCIOUS DAD, YOURE FUCKING CRAZY" i scream using all of my energy, to see my dad turn back to finney and continue smacking him.

so then, i did what any reasonable daughter would do. i sprinted back to the bathroom and grabbed the massive beer bottle off of the counter, holding it by the top. i sprint out of the bathroom and throw myself at my dad, making sure to hit the bottle directly on the back of his head. i sob as i drop to finney, seeing my dad on the ground, unconscious.

"finney are you okay? FINNEY?" i scream, lightly smacking the side of his face. i then put my ear down to his chest, to feel no pulse. "FUCK" i shriek, running to our house phone, trying not to fall over. (beep beep boop) "911 what is your emergency?" a lady says over the phone. "P-PLEASE SEND HELP! MY BROTHER DOES NOT  HAVE A PULSE AND MY DAD IS KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS, PLEASE I BEG YOU." i yell.

good days - rinneyWhere stories live. Discover now