Chapter 44 - Psycho

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Work had been a killer. Madison was gaining more popularity due to her recent shows, and the paparazzi weren't easing up. I had no problem threatening them. All I had to do was flash them my gun, and they got the hint and backed up.

I had been thinking about Freya all day- my mind filled with memories of last night. My arms wrapped around hers as she slept in my bed after a night in with Brent and Kaylee. I had given them strict orders not to mention anything to do with the incident, and although Freya looked a little nervous around Brent, she actually appeared to enjoy the evening.

She had awoken in a panic in the early morning though, sweat coating her body and her hands shaking. I had held her tightly until she was calmer, and eventually she slipped back unconscious.

My hands clenched against my steering wheel. I was struggling to let go of my desire for revenge on the people who had actively harmed Freya. Will's crime ring was large and I knew there was no way that we had caught everyone that had some kind of involvement. All of Will's finances had been frozen and seized, and without his money, his crime ring had nothing.

My eyes narrowed as I gazed down the small narrow stretch that led to his shooting range, and without thinking, I turned my wheel, heading down it. The barren and dreary building came into view- a few windows having been smashed since it had been abandoned. There were most likely a few squatters in there.

Lifting weights had become my vice recently- bar Freya- since a shooting range wasn't so accessible. Although the searing pain that accumulated in my muscles felt good, it wasn't quite the same as the sensation of a handgun kicking back in your palm as you fired it.

Hopping out of my Jeep, I made my way into the building, ignoring the closed sign and shoving the heavy glass door open. I waltzed my way down the corridor and into the main room. Everything looked the same. The floor was still sticky from the spilt beer, used bullets settled into the corners of the room, and dust collecting on the top of tables and chairs.

Stepping up to the pass, I began firing, relishing in the feeling of having a deadly weapon at my fingertips. Bodyguarding didn't involve much gun work. I had it as a precaution, but so far, I hadn't had to use it- which was a shame.

I smirked, satisfied when all four of my bullets hit the target slap bang in the middle, but when I heard a voice from behind me, I turned with my gun drawn.

"You need to leave the premises, Sir."

My eyes widened.

Frederick - my chief's boss.

"Kaleb?" he questioned, appearing shocked, but he quickly wiped the disturbance from his face.

"Frederick," I stated, lowering my gun. "What the hell are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "The building is due for demolition in the coming days, and I was sent down to scope it out before we do so, so I'm just here to take some photos before we get a crew in to clear everything up before the building goes down."

Everything had been seized from the property- including weapons, drugs and files, but since everything was in Will's name, there was nobody else that we could legally lead it back to.

"You shouldn't be in here, you know," Frederick reminded me, and I chuckled.

"There was no sign. Legally, you can't do anything."

That caused him to smile. "I'm going to get to work."

I followed after him, narrowing my eyes at his attire. He wasn't in his work uniform. Instead, he was dressed in all black- including black gloves and a beanie. Not a good look for an older fella.

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