Chapter 38: XXX Intrusion Into Lily Wow

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"Ah, look at the color of those eyes~ So pretty~"

With a smirk, the Hero, eyeing the minstrel, grabbed her chin.

There was no sense of care in that touch.

It was unlike the man who had thrown himself in to protect her, showing concern for her.

"Wait, this isn't the time for this!"

But even such actions would feel frustrating to those who had barely survived.

Soon, the caravan leader, leading the group, urgently started speaking to the guards blocking the way in front of the Hero.

"We understand there's a reason that you left the garrison, but we don't have time to dawdle here! We must hurry and get out of here!"

"Sorry, but the Hero is currently attending to her duties. We recommend not leaving until the Hero decides to move."

"Are you serious with that!?"

"Don't you realize where we've just escaped from? The demon army could arrive here at any moment!"

"Wouldn't it be better to stay by the Hero's side for your own safety?"

The guards tried to calmly persuade the protesting adventurers.

Faced with their firm stance, the adventurers stiffened, but no one dared to speak out.

Yes, the existence of the Hero was enough to suppress the crisis they felt.

"Yeah~ If you're scared for your lives because of the demon army or whatever, just stay by my side~ I need people to attend to various needs on my way back to the empire~"

In the tense atmosphere, the Hero, with a sly smile, casually draped her arm over the shoulder of the minstrel beside her.

It wasn't just a mockery.

Meeting a merchant coming for supplies was a welcome encounter for the Hero, especially since they had left in a hurry without proper provisions.

"You understand what this means, right, sis?"

If there was also a woman of her taste there, there was even less reason to refuse.

The minstrel, realizing the greedy intentions extending towards her body, started to fix her gaze precisely on the Hero.

"Of course, it might be a bit scary at first, but don't worry too much~ I'll make you feel comfortable soon enough..."



"Take your hands off."

The Hero's hand was pushed away by a rough shove.

Even the minstrel herself hadn't realized it.

Before she even thought she should reject her advances, her own had moved first.

"Don't touch me."

Yes, she felt a shiver.

Unlike the time she held the hand of the man who came to mind even now.

She felt a severe repulsion toward the fact that she had to accept the desires of others aimed at her.

"Wow, look at those fierce eyes~"

The Hero was unfazed by her venomous gaze.

Soon, with a sardonic smile, she put strength into her left eye.

"So what about it?"


There was a strange light accompanied by a vibrating sound.

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