Chapter 92: Two Out Of Four, One Out Of Two.

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Authority figures often have arrogant natures to prove their own authority.

In this context, among the heroes present, Ga-ram and Im Tae-yang were suitable targets for the malevolence of the other heroes.

Ga-ram still bore the stigma of being a fallen hero, while Im Tae-yang, despite his title as the Big Game Hunter, looked anything but the part.

To be called the strongest while clad in nothing but a paper bag and an old rag...

Anyone would think the rumors about him were either false or exaggerated, right?

'Thus, if I defeat that guy, the title of the strongest hero will be mine.'

One of the heroes, feeling superior and about to charge at him...


Got his face smashed by Im Tae-yang's fist, swung before he could even move.

Unable to withstand the force, he fell to the ground.


A moment of shock was painted on everyone's face at the scene.

The struck hero was equally unable to grasp the situation.

Im Tae-yang, who had been sitting idly, had rushed at him and struck his face first.

"You son of a..."

Whatever the case, it was that guy who attacked first.


As he was angrily reaching for a weapon in his cloak...

Im Tae-yang's foot stepped on his hand, blocking the action beforehand.

"This damn...!"


Even his attempt to swing his leg and knock down his opponent was repelled by a kick.

Then, as he approached to seize his upper body, he swung his hand, but even that was nonchalantly brushed off by a mana-filled hand.

"Hey, wait..."

Im Tae-yang blocked both the initial malice and the subsequent resistance as if anticipating them.

As the clenched fist was aimed at his face, the hero finally realized the situation and shouted desperately.

"Ah, okay! I don't know what's going on, but sorry, just stop now!"

Though he hadn't acted yet, the fact that he had raised hostility meant he felt quite guilty.

Im Tae-yang, silently observing the sincere plea, then withdrew his hand and quietly stood up.

Then he quietly turned his back, intending to return to his original spot.

The hero, who was watching from behind, unable to contain the anger rising within him, prepared to draw his weapon once again.

'This damn...'

How dare a ragged wretch lay hands on his majestic self?!


Before his anger could fully release, the hero was slammed into the wall by a kick, swift as an afterimage.

As his body hung limp, the shock twisting his insides, gasps of shock began to burst from the onlookers.

"Wh-what is that guy doing? Attacking someone who did nothing so one-sidedly...?"

"Is that important? A fully armed guy just got beaten by someone who's practically naked!"

"Isn't that guy weak?"

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