Chapter 138: Cheska Plandor

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After boarding the carriage, I had time to converse with the young noble lord who was accompanying me.

The main topic of conversation was naturally about Ga-ram, who had been with me.

It was a natural outcome, considering she was the only link between us.

"So, when Ga-ram finishes her mission and returns, she always talks about me, you say."

"When reporting her missions, your story always came up. It's natural, considering you were the only one she got along with at the time."

Is this the story from when she was called a fallen hero?

Well, it was necessary to tell the story of a collaborator to a patron for reporting purposes, and there was no need to feel bad unless it was backstabbing.

"From what I've heard, you transitioned from a worker to an adventurer, and it seems you've worked quite hard to get to your current position."

"Ahaha, it's not that big of a deal. I was just lucky, that's all..."

"Grasping luck is also a matter of discretion. Most people either don't know when luck comes their way or waste the opportunity."

Cheska, even with a blunt manner of speaking, soothed my passive attitude.

While such assessment felt a bit burdensome, I also felt a tingling in my heart.

It seemed I couldn't help being weak to compliments... Well, it would be rude to reject someone's kindness, after all.

"Anyway, using the connection I have with the hero I sponsored, I would like to make you an offer right here."

After a lively chat, what followed was a proposal I had somewhat anticipated.

Probably, Cheska came to meet me in their noble status for that purpose.

Noticing that, I immediately brought up what I had in mind before Cheska could speak.

"Are you offering to become my guardian?"

"...You've noticed."

"Well, since you've come to me directly..."

Although the intentions were clear, I didn't necessarily think it was a bad thing.

Heroes were seen as saviors by the public, but what those in power wanted was to increase their influence through such attention.

So, creating a connection with me before my treatment in the Imperial Palace was decided would be quite advantageous.

"Mentioning that means you, too, were quite looking forward to receiving sponsorship from a noble like me."

"Well, I won't deny it... But, actually, this situation is somewhat relieving."

A smile formed on my lips, unable to contain my expectation, which made Cheska, sensing my reaction, tilt their head slightly.

"Relieved because I came to you?"

"It's probably because this is my first time receiving a scouting offer like this. When working in unfamiliar places, it's best to start by adapting with the help of acquaintances, isn't it?"

Everything felt unfamiliar, and since one never knew when danger would strike, it was a rule to step back about three steps when encountering the unknown world.

As such, having someone to rely on and cooperating with them, helping each other move forward, would be a way to extend this lifeline even further.

That was somewhat the reason why I initially formed a pair with Ga-ram.

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