Chapter 107: Fury. Memoirs Of An Adulterous Child

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Tashian Pheloi.

The time she spent with her was ironically becoming the reason she hated her.

The happier the dream once was, the more painful the despair of reality became.

'Answer me, Mom. Why did you leave me behind?'

The more she waded through the river of blood, the more she felt her love for her turning into resentment.

Despite getting used to the repeated killings over the years, the warmth she felt in her embrace...

The things she bestowed upon her as 'love' were seen as hope that even someone like her could be saved.

'Did I do something wrong? Or did you just purely want to see me suffer?'

It was when she became an adult that she grew tired of such torment of hope and killed even her heart.

Only after reaching a position no one else could handle did she finally shed her tender feelings and accept the nature of the world as it was.

In an era where people die like garbage wherever you go, she realized that an orphan who lost their parents was as common as a roadside pebble.

'...Yeah, Mom is no longer here.'

And her mother, once she considered everything in the world, was just a being that adults must become independent from.

Realizing that the time for childish behavior had passed, she repeatedly vowed to escape from her shadow.

'Forget about Mom. From now on, live for myself...'

It was for that reason that she embarked on the path of a hero.

If she led her onto the path of a killer, then to forget her, she thought she needed to accomplish something great enough to even forget that she was a killer.

For her, who reigned as an object of fear to all, to live proudly, she felt the need to deal with an even greater calamity with her own hands.

'Tashian... Do you remember me?'

But what was the reality?

Why, at the end of a journey supported by many, has the one who started this story appeared now?

'If you don't remember, it's fine. I didn't come here to have a leisurely chat with you either.'

When the power she implanted in her resonated.

At that moment, she couldn't maintain her composure and filled the sword aimed at her with hatred.

'I'll make you regret abandoning me. You damn mother.'

Even such lingering feelings from love, she pressed them down with the noble duty of a hero, and swung her sword at her without hesitation.

Prepared to lay her bones here.

Forgetting her duty as a hero, aiming only to kill her.

'With this much power, you could have just fled.'

But why was it?

Why did she, who was satisfied with mindlessly swinging her sword, feel sorrow from her roar?

'The race you are trying to protect is one that doesn't even need protection. Fools, tired of living and having vanished from this world, yet they believe themselves to be the rulers of it—that is the race you are trying to protect!'

Yes, it was tragic...

That day, she felt sorrow from her outcry.

Others might just see it as a scream, but she still remembered the days she spent with her.

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