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Walking along with the walls of the mansion, I came face to face with door leading towards unc-, my father's office. Taking a deep breath, I knocked at the door, anticipating a reply from inside.

The weight of calling my once-uncle "father" weighs heavily on my heart, a reminder of the tangled web of relationships and secrets that envelops the mansion. Despite the passage of time, the title feels foreign on my tongue, a constant reminder of the fractures in my family's history. Each time I utter the word.

I heard a soft 'come in' from the other side of the door so, without furthur delay, I opened the door and stepped inside.

Peering into my father's office, I catch a glimpse of him engaged in a heated conversation, his brow furrowed in frustration, the phone pressed tightly to his ear. His voice carries a sense of urgency, punctuated by sharp gestures and terse words. The tension in the room is palpable, thickening the air around the room as I watch him from the doorway.

As you quietly close the door behind me, the click of the latch echoes in the silence of the room, a barrier between me and the tumultuous conversation within. Taking a seat on the plush sofa, I sink into its embrace, the soft fabric providing a momentary respite from the tension that hangs in the air. From this vantage point, I observe the room, taking in the intricate details of my father's sanctuary—the mahogany desk littered with papers, the shelves adorned with ancient tomes, the flickering glow of the desk lamp casting long shadows on the walls.

As the tension in the room gradually dissipates, father ends the call with a sigh of relief, his demeanor noticeably softened.

"Hey, Min Ah, how's work going so far?" He walked towards me, With a gentle smile, he takes a seat opposite to mine, his eyes meeting me with a mix of warmth.

With a little shrug, I replied him back. "Well, nothing much. Just signing some papers and doing small mission and stuff."

Nodding his head, he took the file placed upon the table and started to go through it.

"Tell me about last night's mission," he demanded, his voice firm yet tinged with concern, still flipping through the contents inside the file.

With a deep breath, I began to narrate the events of the previous night. I leaned forward, meeting my father's unwavering gaze. "The men guarding the room of the dealer were guarded, but I was prepared. With calculated stpes, I outsmart them one by one, utilizing every skill and tactic I've learned over the last year. Their resistance was fierce, but in the end, I beat them to victory, ensuring that everything goes as planned." As I spoke, I could see a hint of pride flicker in my father's eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the training and dedication that had brought me to this moment.

Letting out a soft chuckle, he praised me. "That's my girl. Remember, we can't give anyone a second chance who showed their back towards us. Loyalty is much more important in this line of work. If they betrayed us, there's no such thing as forgiveness, just a bullet in their skull. Do you get it?" He looked straight into my eyes.

"Yeah, I understand." I replied back at him, determination evident in my eyes.


Silence fell inside the room and he continued to flip through the pages inside the file. Feeling a little out of place, I asked him what's been bothering for the past couple of minutes.

"Jaehyun said that you wanted to discuss something important with me." I told him rather as a statement.

He closed the file and leaned back on the sofa, removing the glasses, he gave it a little massage where the glasses have been placed.

"You remember when I told you about the most powerful mafia groups beside us?" He questioned me.

"Yeah! Jo-poks, syndicates and kim dragons."

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