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Chanyeol POV

Like a scene in a rom-com movie, my surroundings blurred, voices muffled, sounds were totally cut off and the only thing that I could hear was the thumping of my own racing heart.

Min ah stood across the room, a stark contrast to the girl I had met a year ago. The timid charm that once defined her was thrown out of the window and now replaced by an aura of fierce confidence. She was captivating, drawing the eyes of everyone around her, and it was impossible even for me to look away.

The eyes, oh her eyes, those are nothing like those I had witnessed, are now sparkled with an intensity that was almost electric. They bore into mine with a fearless gaze, challenging me, inviting me and manipulating me to lose myself in those dark iris. The subtle eyeliner accentuated their almond shape, making her eyes appear larger, more expressive, and undeniably seductive.

Her cheeks, which used to blush at the slightest compliments I made, are now carried a natural glow that highlighted her high cheekbones. The faintest hint of a smirk played on her lips, full and painted a bold shade of red that screamed of confidence and allure. Those plush lips are inviting me and it's taking every ounce of my being to not to give into my instincts.

Her hair, previously a simple comb of waves, was now styled to perfection. It framed her face in such a way that it accentuated her features, making her look even more striking and elegant. The way it fell over her shoulders added to her overall allure, giving her an almost ethereal quality. And, I felt myself slowly losing on it.

Her posture was perfect, exuding a newfound strength that was both intimidating and intoxicating. She wore her confidence like a second skin, and it made her all the more irresistible.

The transformation in her style was equally undeniable. The simple hoodies, washed pair of jeans she once wore had been replaced by bold, form-fitting business outfit that highlighted her curves. She looked every bit the part of a woman who knew her worth, who wasn’t afraid to turn heads and hold their gaze like how she's now holding mine.

I couldn't help but to drawn to her, captivated by the changes that had turned the fierce girl once knew into this magnetic, confident, elegant woman. Kim Min ah was no longer just the charming girl I had met a year ago; The Min ah now was a force of universe, and I-

"Mr. Park?!"

Blinking my eyes, I looked towards the way my name being called and met with a confused looking president Kim, looking at me like I've grown a second head. Looking at Mr. Kim's confused face, I realized that I had been silent ever since Min Ah stepped inside the room, shamelessly gawking at her. I cursed at myself inwardly. Damn Chanyeol! Stop drooling.

Snapping out of my reverie, I quickly apologized to Mr. Kim. "I'm sorry, I just got carried away with my thoughts," I said, nervously laughing to ease the attention.

Mr. Kim dismissed it with a light chuckle. "No worries, Mr. Park," he replied kindly.

As the room shifted into more tension-free air, Mr. Kim looked at her with a kind smile. "Now that Min Ah is here," he announced, his voice carrying the weight of authority mixed with a little bit of fondness, "she will proceed with the meeting moving forward."

He cast a final, lingering glance at me and then to Min Ah, and to again me. "Thank you for your support, Mr. Park" he added, a touch of sincerity and gratitude in his tone to which I acknowledged it with a small bow.

With that, Mr. Kim turned and strode towards the door, his bodyguards who fell into step behind him. The air seemed to shift as the imposing figures exited the room, leaving behind only the guys who had been stationed by his chair.

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