A look

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I mauled him like a wildcat.

The man stares at her with half - lidded eyes. His eyes were clearly consumed by lust or anger. I hoped for the first guess and got excited at the prospect of his wrath.

I'm a very straightforward woman. Or so I thought. But somehow, since this man entered my life, I had been more nervous and hesitant than all my life.

Murtasim stilles me. His rough hands clasped my delicate waist. The touch was rough just like everything else about him. "No more Rohail, Meerab." His eyes darkened as he mentioned the other man.

"Huh?" I was heck confused. Then it becomes crystal clear. This was another one of his many manipulations. I couldn't promise this. "Promise me, Meerab." I couldn't. Promises were hard to keep, yet still I found my head nodding in positive.

"No more Rohail." And I leaned forward to kiss him, but he again kept his mouth away from mine.

"No more other men!" His eyes promised me danger. I knew if I did not agree, he would keep this over my head forever. Then he would get even more overprotective and do anything within his reach to ensure my chastity.

"None. Only you." I could see from the way the lines on his forehead disappeared that he was relieved. Finally, I could have my way with him. I leaned forward once again to kiss him, and this time, he let me.

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