CHAPTER 20: awakening

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All heads turned into the face that once looked like one of a human being, not this dark skin, black eyes, monstrous expression, and the black hue that engulfed his body, like an air bathed in ink.

"Eyin?" Yvanna called out, taking a cautious step forward, but Ko stood before her.

"It was hard to keep this act for a long time," he smirked, taking a walk around the line of people like a predator circling his prey.
Colderia jumped to the other side where the others stood, staring at Eyin in confusion and disbelief. A bit of fear crept into her heart. 

"What happened to you?"

"You mean, what didn't happen to me?"

"Are you..." Colderia started looking at him up and down. He looked nothing like the man she had known all her life. "Okay?"

"Okay?" Eyin laughed loudly, staring at the glowing and floating ball above the river. "Oh, soon I'll be."

"What do you mean?" Ellis breathed out.

"Dark magic," Haleth stated, stepping next to Yvanna, as he stared at the man before him with a death glare.

"There. Somebody knows what I'm talking about," Eyin clapped.

"Dark magic...." Yvanna's eyes couldn't widen anymore. She could've been ready to hear anything. Anything but that.  She couldn't grasp any idea of why someone with dark magic could be here in the water realm or any other kingdom. The land of Nereza is isolated from the rest of the realms, not even a bit close to any other land. It stands in a complete void, with no sun at all. The shadowland was a wasteland. That much she knew. But what she didn't is how on the God's name the man she'd known all her life held dark magic. Even if he wasn't an Original like her, Eyin was born into a noble family with a Bloodline filled with powerful Nero sorcerers.

"You see, it wasn't intentional, Dear Queen."

"Shut this nonsense. Anyone with dark magic is a nemesis of the realms. Are you with them?" Ko demanded, narrowing his eyes.

"With whom?"

"The shadows," Ko growled, his face stretched up into one of annoyance and caution as if the word was as forbidden as the magic there.

"No," Eyin chuckled as if he was told a funny joke. "Of course not. I'm with myself," he took a step closer. "And now myself wants that," all eyes turned to where his ones were looking. The glowing circle of which Maria was in.

"Dare to even think about laying a hand on the princess, and you'd die a painful death," Ko growled, clutching his sword tighter.

"That's cute. But I'm not here to hurt your precious princess, Warrior." He raised his hands till it was on his jaw level. A dark matter seemed to flow out of them dancing on his palm. "I mean, I would if you tried to stop me,"

"He is really using dark magic," Yvanna muttered in disbelief,  her heart's pounding filling her ears.

"Sir Eyin, grab a hold of yourself. You are a good man," Fardre dared to step close, a cold sweat forming on his forehead.  "Whatever you need, I assure you we can get into an agreement."  He whispered as if he was trying to convince a child.

"Oh, is that so?" Eyin grinned mischievously, letting his hands fall back down.

Fardre sighed in relief, thinking it was all okay now. "Yes. We will help you."

"Promise?" He mumbled, a bit of sadness taking in his dark features, as he extended his hand towards Fardre.

"I.." he looked down at his hand, then at those black eyes. Farde felt a shiver down his spine as he stared at the endless black void in those eyes. "Yes, I promise." He smiled weakly, putting his hand on Eyin's.

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