Chapter 3: Quit Bothering Me

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Chishiya POV

          HE GRABBED MY WRISTS AND pinned me to the wall harshly. I was kind of disgusted when he showed his tongue. Is he proud of his piercing or something? Does he want a medal? I thought.

  Suddenly, before he could go any further, someone knocked on the door. "Chishiya!" Yelled a familiar voice from outside the room, it was Kuina. "Busy! (Isogashī!)" Niragi yelled back. I think Niragi made the fatal mistake of answering for me because Kuina didn't know Niragi was in my room.

  "Niragi? Why are you in Chishiya's room?! I'm coming inside! (Niragi? Nande chishiya no heya ni iru no? Chū ni hairimasu!)" Kuina said in an angry tone. Kuina burst through the door and Niragi finally let go of my wrists. When Kuina saw us in that position, she stood in shock. She was confused about what she saw. She must've thought we were going to fuck or something, which I would not have let happen. I'll tase the bitch if he ever tries to rape me.

  "What? (Nani?)" Niragi said in a harsh tone, staring at Kuina with an irritated look. I looked at him judgmentally, then looked at Kuina giving her the 'he's definitely unhinged' look with a smirk on my face. Just by that, she giggled which made Niragi more aggravated. It was pretty obvious he had anger issues.

   "Tsk..." Niragi rolled his eyes and harshly pushed Kuina aside. He finally left the room, but he didn't close the door. "What was that about? (Sore wa Ittai nanidatta nodeshou ka?)" Kuina asked. I shrugged as I put my headphones and my hood on. I left the room, and Kuina followed after turning off the lights and closing my door for me.

   I went downstairs to look for some food since I was quite hungry. "You hungry? You should go outside to the pool, there's a party. (Onaka ga sukimashita ka? Pātī ga arukara soto no pūru ni ikimashou.)" She suggested. I knew about the party, I just didn't want to go outside and get all caught up in the crowds. I wouldn't say I liked the smell of alcohol from everyone there. I might accidentally get wet by reckless people in the pool. Plus, sometimes people would be fucking there. A public place. Ew. Don't they have any dignity? That's gross. I was already disgusted just by the thought of it. My eye twitched a bit.

   After looking for everywhere just for a goddamn snack, we couldn't find any. Guess they all took them to the pool party. Aw shit, that means I have to go out to the pool. I turned to Kuina to ask her if she could get snacks for me, but she was suddenly gone. The hell? Did she just abandon me? I sighed. Guess I did have to go out. I swear, the borderlands are testing me.

  I walked out to see everyone partying. It was so damn loud. It reeked of alcohol and other sickening smells. My face turned into a displeased look. As I went to go to the snack table to grab some food, someone suddenly pulled me aside...

  "Hey! *hic* blondie...wanna play a game? (Oi! *hic* Burondi, gēmu o shimasen ka?)" It was Niragi. Can't I catch a fucking break? He was drunk. "You must have mistaken me for a girl, Niragi. I'm Chishiya. (Niragi-san, watashi o on'nanoko to machigaeta ndeshou ne. Chishiyadesu.)" I spoke to him properly while holding his shoulder firmly or his drunk ass will fall onto me. I swear I am on the brink of insanity with this son of a bitch. I let go of his shoulders when he could finally balance himself. Idiot... I thought.

  After getting some food to snack on, I could finally go back up to my room and leave this hell of a party.

   When I got to my room, I realized something. Why is the door slightly open? I put my hand in my sweater's pocket wear I hid my stun gun, whoever the fuck is in there will be sorry when I tase them. I slowly and silently opened my door, took a peek, and saw a figure lying on my bed. Who is that? I slowly went inside and saw who that figure was. It was Niragi. What the hell is this drunkard in my room?! He's going to make my bed sheets smell like alcohol! I looked at him with an abhorrent look before pushing him off my bed. He fell on the floor and groaned. He deserved it. I went to lie down on my bed, assuming Niragi was too lazy to get up from the floor and would just fall asleep there. I didn't have the energy to drag him out of the room.

   I took a deep breath of relief as I finally could eat my snacks peacefully in silence. Suddenly, Niragi groaned again and sat up. I looked at him, my eyes widened a bit, and I cocked my eyebrow. "Aishh..." He groaned as he put his palm against his forehead, he's probably having a headache. It was probably when I pushed him off the bed and he hit his head. I turned his head to the right, then to the left, looking at me. His eyes were squinting at me, they looked tired. He slowly tried to get up, but he was struggling. I just watched. What? You thought I was going to help him? Hell no. He grabbed my bed for support to stand properly. When he finally stood up, he suddenly crawled onto my bed like some kind of demon and lay next to me, hugging my waist firmly. I looked at him in antipathy.

  My face said it all, I did not like it one bit. I couldn't move because this asshole was holding onto my waist like he was trying to snap me in half or some shit. He looked up at me, squinted his eyes, and opened his mouth to say something. "Ugh...Chiyaa~ My head hurts..." He said with a croaky voice. Not going to lie, he was kind of cute. I was still bothered by this, but I couldn't do anything about it. 

   I examined Niragi while he was sleeping. His eyebrows were slightly frowned, his face a bit scrunched, too. He occasionally whimpered and grunted in his sleep. Must be a bad dream. I suspected. Every time he would whimper or grunt, he'd hug my waist tighter, but then he would loosen it afterward, but not too loose. I just took a deep sigh, I had to sleep with Niragi using me as some kind of teddy bear. Couldn't do anything about it. I wish he would quit bothering me so much.

After a while, I dozed off...


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