Chapter 7: Floor is Lava

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Chishiya POV

        I JUMPED. And well, fuck. Luck was not on my side this time, haha. I fell on the floor, centimeters away from the goddamn sandbox.

  I loudly grunted in pain but I didn't sprain anything as I landed on my side on purpose rather than my feet because then I would most likely sprain an ankle. I am NOT running around this damn playground with a sprained ankle. Though it was still painful, I persevered and leaped into the sandbox with a second to spare. I let out a breath of relief as I rolled myself over and sat up, using my arms to support my upper body as I watched others burn to the ground and get shot by lasers. The room smelled like blood, it was disgusting. For 3 minutes, I just sat there, watching. "Round clear," I hear the AI voice say. I sighed as we all walked back to our green little circles. The side of my body hurt like a bitch but I tried my best to hide that, though I guess I wasn't the best at hiding it because I was rubbing my side up and down and Niragi seemed to notice.

  "You alright?" I heard Niragi ask.
"Yeah..." I responded though he didn't look like he bought it.

  Rounds 8 to 9 went on fine as Niragi and I both kept going to the areas we went to during round 7. He went to the jungle gym and I went to the sandbox. Soon after, it was finally rounds 10 to 12. I'll probably be dreading this.

"Round 10 will only give 28 seconds
Objective: Get to high ground and don't burn in the lava"

  "That's strange..." I whispered to myself. Normally, it should've been rounds 10 to 12 which should only give 28 seconds to get to areas of the playground that weren't unavailable. What are they planning? Niragi and I both ran, but not together this time. We both ran to the places we were during the last three rounds, though it was very risky. As we both made it with 4 seconds to spare, the phones chimed and announced where was the new area that was unavailable.

"The areas with red flags are now unavailable as they have been burned from the lava,"

   I look at the flags on the sandbox. I was relieved I didn't have to run as the flags were yellow, but when I looked over to the jungle gym where Niragi was, lo and behold, just like his personality, the flag was red. "FUCK!" he yelled out as he jumped off the jungle gym and started running for his damn life. He must really like jumping off of high places, huh? I think as I watch him run around trying to get to an area without a red flag. It must be hard as he's a red flag himself. I chuckle to myself as I kind of found him amusing to watch. However, the show didn't last as he finally made it to a ladder thing with a yellow flag. I felt somewhat a rush of relief inside of me. Guess I'm not dying. The round ended with only 8 people dying. Weak.

"Round 11 will only give 14 seconds
Objective: Get to high ground and don't burn in the lava"

  I ran over to my usual sandbox as I felt a person was following me...

  Once I got in the sandbox, another person got in. It was Niragi.
"Why are you here?" I ask,
"The ladder thing was too far."
I don't respond any more as I think about the time they gave us.

Why did they only give fourteen seconds? Maybe it's going in intervals of seven. But if it's going in intervals of fourteen, then the time they'll give us the next round would either be one second or zero... Zero wouldn't make sense though. Nor would one second. Maybe it's a pattern. Maybe the next would be 14 seconds? So, it's either zero, one, or fourteen.

Questions ran through my head analysing the time they gave us for this round and the other rounds so far. I looked at the floor, then looking at the green circles we would stand in, and then at the metal wall. I noticed something. There were bumps or ledges of some sort. My eyes followed the ledges and saw at the very top of the wall that keys were hanging. I solved it.

"It's a rock wall. To get out of the room you need to be able to get the keys and open the door."

  I said to Niragi, slightly whispering. His face looked a bit perplexed before noticing the ledges on the metal wall and the keys hanging from above.
"Should I get it?" He asked,
"No, I'm good at climbing. Trust me."
"If we die, I'm beating the shit out of you in hell." I just rolled my eyes at him as we waited for a minute to get back to our green circles.

  "Round 12 will now commence with only 0 seconds to avoid the lava. All areas of the playground are now unavailable because they have now been burned in the lava

Objective: Find the keys to leave the room"

  As expected. The middle of the playground started to cave in, revealing actual lava from underneath. "Impressive," I said, smirking. "FUCKING CLIMB!" Niragi yelled at me, demanding I climb the rock wall. I just roll my eyes and turn around, grabbing the farthest ledge I can reach and lifting my leg to step on another ledge. I pull myself up and quickly start to climb higher despite my body hurting like a bitch because I jumped off the monkey bars. Once I got to the top, I reached my hand up and tried to grab the keys, but well, I WASN'T TALL ENOUGH. "HURRY UP!" I heard Niragi yell as screams from other players echoed throughout the room. The metal floor was slowly caving in more and more, the playground fell into the lava along with some people, too. I lifted myself by using my tiptoes to try to reach the keys that were mere centimeters away from my hand, but still, I couldn't reach them. Fuck it. I jumped and grabbed the keys.

Niragi POV

  FUCK, WHAT'S TAKING SO DAMN LONG?! THE FLOOR IS CAVING IN FASTER! "HURRY UP!" I yell at him while looking up. I SWEAR FUCKING GOD WHAT IS HE DOING?! My eyes widened when I realized he was...falling?! My subconscious reacted immediately and caught him before he fell to the ground. Though, I'd want to see him fall on the ground from a high place. He jumped off my arms and hurriedly opened the door with the keys. We both ran out of the door as fast as we could while others, who didn't even fucking help, followed us. I got pushed to the side while Chishiya on the other hand wasn't so lucky. He got pushed to the ground and tripped and he got stepped on by a couple of people. For some reason, it made my blood boil even though I should be blissful he's dreading getting stepped on. "OI! Watch where you all are fucking going! You're stepping on the very person that just saved all of your sorry asses!" I yelled out to them while shooting my gun to the roof to scare them all. I don't know why I did that, just felt right. Everyone suddenly ran away and looked scared. Pussies.

"Congratulations! Game Cleared. 42 participants survived."

  The female AI voice announced in a happy tone on our phones and TV hanging from the roof of the room or some shit? I swear to hell that wasn't there before. I just put my phone down in annoyance and looked up at the TV screen and saw the dead participants and the living ones. I guess everyone and their partners' profiles are beside each other on the screen because Chishiyas' profile and I were beside each other. I lent a hand to Chishiya who was still on the floor. He looked at my hand, then looked at me up and down, and hesitantly took my hand. Is he judging me? I frowned my eyebrows at his displeased face. Probably mad he got stepped on. I looked at my phone and checked the time.

12:38 PM

It took us 38 minutes to finish that hell of a game. I just sighed as I walked away from Chishiya. "I'm going to the cafeteria if you need me." "Like hell, I'll ever need you." He said in a somewhat sassy tone. I just rolled my eyes, such a fucking asshole. When I got to the cafeteria, there were shelves with a selection of snacks, drinks, foods, etcetera. I was feeling hungry from the game, and tired as well. I should eat lunch. I went to shelves with food like instant noodles, onigiri, and stuff you'd get in a convenience store. I went to grab a bento box from the freezer section, a can of Coca-Cola, two sushi rolls, and an onigiri too. I walked up to a microwave and put my bento box inside setting the time to 2 minutes. I walked over to a table and opened my can of Coke while contemplating whether I should eat with Chishiya or not. "Hmm...I kind of feel lonely eating by myself." I mumble. I kind of miss him. His condescending eyes, blank face, and his superiority complex, it all pissed me off. But right now, I kind of miss him. I thought about last night- I need to seriously stop.


1,608 words

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