Chapter 4: Drunk and High

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Niragi's POV

Time: Morning (8am-11am)

MY HEAD WAS ACHING What the fuck? I hovered my hand over my eyes as the bright lights made me feel dizzy; I could smell the alcohol reeking from my body and clothes, I felt sweaty, and my body kind of hurt.

As I gradually opened my eyes, I looked to the right to see a girl with her back facing me. She had blond hair and it was tied back into a low ponytail. She wore a white jacket and white shorts with blue palm leaves. Why does her clothes look familiar? I couldn't recall when I saw her, but I shrugged it off. Who cares? She seems hot anyway.

She was on the balcony, admiring the view of the Beach outside. I slowly got up from the bed and walked towards her. I put my arms around her waist and whispered into her ear while smirking, "Good morning, cutie. (Ohayōgozaimasu, kawai kocha n.)" She then slowly faced her head towards me, and I could see a familiar face of disgust. I was stunned. "WHAT THE FUCK?! (Nani kuso?!)" I pushed him harshly making him trip. I was still in awe that that girl I saw wasn't even a girl! It was fucking Chishiya! No wonder why the clothes seemed so familiar. Chishiya rolled his eyes and stood up from the floor. He suddenly grabbed my wrist and started dragging me to the door of his room. Once I realized he was kicking me out, I pulled my wrist away from his firm grip. He turned his face to me, he looked annoyed. I could see it in his deadpan eyes. "Get out. (Deteike.)" He said in an angry tone. "Alright, jeez... (Wakarimashita, mā...)" I said, walking out of his room a little bit annoyed. I mean, who does he think he is? I just rolled my eyes and walked back to my room.

My head was still aching and I still felt sweaty and my body reeked of alcohol from last night. I sighed as I punched in the passcode to my room and crashed onto my bed. I contemplated my life for a bit when a question came to my mind...

How did I end up in Chishiya's bedroom?

I sat up and scrunched my eyebrows and started to get a bit lost in my thoughts. Did I fuck with him last night? Maybe I was so tired I crashed into his room thinking it was mine. But wouldn't Chishiya kick me out? Maybe he likes me that's why he didn't kick me out. Hah! He's gay?!

My thoughts came to an end when I heard someone knocking at my door. I stood up from my bed and opened my door. It was Chishiya, and he was carrying my precious gun! I immediately took my gun from his dirty hands. "No 'thank you?' (Kekkōdesu ka.')" I just slammed the door in front of his face. He didn't deserve a 'thank you' after kicking me out so harshly out of his room.

I placed my gun on the bench at the end of my bed and started to take my clothes off. I need a shower... I think as I throw my clothes into the laundry basket. I'll wash them later. Warm water hit my face as the bathroom fogged up due to the steam. "Ahh..." I groaned. This is exactly what I needed. A warm, refreshing, and calming shower. I looked down at my feet as water droplets dripped onto my abs from my wet hair. It took about an hour for me to finally get out of the shower and get dressed in my signature outfit. A black polo with a gold giraffe pattern and some black leather pants.

When I went outside my room, I could hear loud music playing from downstairs. Looks like there was another party. Damn, don't these people get tired? Though I didn't mind it too much, I always had fun at these parties. Hanging out with Last Boss and the other militants, drinking, and fucking hot girls. But, I wasn't really in the mood today, I just recovered from a shitty hangover, and I don't need another one for tomorrow.

I sigh as I tilted my head back and walked down the hallway, trying to find a cute girl to talk to for the rest of the day without having to go downstairs and have music just blast into my ears until my fucking eardrums explode. I swear I'm going to go deaf soon. I spent 30 minutes walking around the building and I couldn't find a single hot chick. They must be all at the pool party. I groaned as I realized I had to go to the party to satisfy my needs.

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