-Chapter 2-

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I got into a room with darkness until lights came on,and a television Infront of me.

I turned it on as a man appeared and explain why am I here,or some sort of that stuff. He also mentioned some guides along with other stuff I will be needed.

I walked over to a table filled with  the guides that he mentioned.
Although it was quite a lot,I looked under the table to see if there was a briefcase or a bag that I can put all the guides and other stuff on the table.

I found this briefcase,that was black with a hint of white and green. And a slash of gold.

I took it all in this briefcase that reminded me as a suit case of newt owned from fantastic beast. I had finished put it all in the briefcase with no problem.

I looked to the guide of this place and I saw the exit as I found other people that was stucked like me as they looked at me and I looked at them aswell.

Although we all have different items we all have the same thing to do,
    Find why is this world different than ours.
Well I am so sorry that it is short I just wrote in my notes while I was in a airplane.

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