-Chapter 4-

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-Chapter 4-
The boys also widened because in this world has yandere's. Some got surprised because some of the yandere's were girls.

I widened my eyes more because the man who gave us information,got disconnected.
We all looked at each other, believing we can survive this together.

A door opened to a building,that was in the clouds. We took our stuff and walked to the stairs,some boy with white hair breathed heavily because the stairs was a lot.

"S-say what are y'all names?" He started a conversation,I started first.
"My name is Reader" he nodded as the rest said their names.

We all noticed the boy with white hair,who was named Jack. Had his hand glowing like ice. I also noticed that all of our hands had a colour that is different to all of us.

I tried out what it was as fire came out,I took my hand back as I noticed we all had powers.and it wasn't just one power.

We all had tried out all of the power we had given.
I had,
ice,fire,water,earth,dark and light.
I was the most as Kevin,a boy with black hair. Ran passed through me. He laughed because it was one of his powers.

I had noticed I can make ice floor in the air, because Jack who had ice powers as well can make it as he made more and went to the top.

I tried as well,as I reached to the top aswell.i had made it as we all had fun with our powers as we all noticed a man without a mask,was Infront of us.

We walked to him,as he talked.
"Well done you had discovered your powers. Now you all have different missions but since there is 6 of you guys you will be apart to 2 groups."

We all nodded,as i was paired with Kevin and someone called Claude.
We all had said good bye to each other hoping we all can meet again.

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