-Chapter 8-

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-San's pov-
I had collected all of the people who had loved Reader, there was quite a lot of people.

The list-
We were around in the forest because I invited them here.

-Third pov-
"Tch,come on we don't got all day" said Haku,the most important one because he has gotten more information.

"Tch,could you wait dragon boy" Said Howl,he had met Reader with sophus but quickly ran after her but she was gone.

" Alright! Since the dragon boy ever gotten into their Sacred Tower. Why not he goes first?!"
We all agreed making Haku roll his eyes but stood up.

He had said stuff while writing on a board because he was there for a couple of days but got out.

"The reason she is here is because of a bracelet, that she had gotten and got teleported to this world. And also her friends you met San? Those also had the same reason but different things that got teleported."

This meeting will be very long,but it worth the time to get our Reader to love us.

He had finished and we all took our turns explaining on what information. Kiki suggested why not if we got a another meeting with their boss with the other Ghibli members, they should meet the Fallen Squad.

We all agreed,but soon we got an invite to the tower that the Fallen Squad lived.
It had said " Welcome to the meeting with The Fallen Squad,there will be a lot of things To do but it will be fun! Bring your family and friends to join!"

We all chuckled since we know that we could meet Reader there.
We all said bye,but kept on thing in mind.
   Find Reader,and Make her OURS

Oh our Reader just see how much we would kill for you,just for you to love us..

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