| Ep 9 |

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"Welcome to the Sorrel Weed House!" The lady spreads her arms out joyously once we all enter through the front doors, "So this is the foyer..."

I don't pay much mind to what she is saying as she leads us through each room, explaining the rich and creepy history behind this place. My attention is mainly focused on the strange atmosphere of this building.

I've always been a bit of a skeptic, but something was definitely off. I don't like it one bit.

She stops inside one of the rooms and explains, "As far as spooky activity goes, this rooms seems to be the most calm. Not to say that there isn't any ghostly activity in here, but out of the entire house, I'd say it's milder-"


I jump at the sounds of someone's phone going off. I tilt my head as the tour guide rummages through her pockets, pulling her cellphone out, "Ah...I'm sorry. This is my emergency phone. I have to get this."

We all look at her in disbelief as she pulls the phone up to her ear, "I'll be right back. Continue looking around if you want but don't touch anything."

I watch her with an irritated face as she leaves us in the house unsupervised. I scoff at her behavior, poking my head out the bedroom door.

Tyler scoffs as well, "Well, that's super professional..."

Logan stutters, "I-I don't think that's professional."

"I was being sarcastic."


I am about to make a bitter comment until Taylor pipes in, "Eh, an emergency is an emergency. It'll be more fun to explore on our own anyway!"

I bite my tongue at her realization, not entirely on board with the idea of lurking around without guidance. The stories I've heard about this place weren't the prettiest.

We all roam around the house together, neither of us having the balls to split from the group. I stay near the back, walking side-by-side with Ashlyn. I've noticed she's had a pair of earplugs in during the entire trip. All I've heard over the years was that she was sensitive to loud sounds, but I never bothered to question it, assuming it was personal.

I catch glimpses of Tyler looking back at me once in a while, most likely making sure I was still nearby. Taylor is too caught up on getting everything on video, probably hoping deep down that some ghost appears out of nowhere so she has something worthy of posting online.

I side eye Ashlyn when she jerks, pulling an earplug out and covering her ear with her free hand. I hear mumbles from Aiden and Tyler as they peer over at her confusedly. She winces, letting out a small yelp. She must've overheard the boys, taking it upon herself to explain whatever they were curious about,

"They're earplugs. I wear them because of my sensitivity to..." She winces again, "...sounds."

Aiden pouts, embarrassment written on his face from the misconception, "Oops, my bad, I thought they were for music."

I stand in front of Aiden, shaking my head jokingly at his stupidity. I follow Taylor as she's about to enter a new room. She beams and points at it, "Oh, that room looks cool!"

I raise a brow when her face falls, turning her attention to Ashlyn, who's a little further form the group. I follow her gaze and watch Ashlyn trembling slightly with her fists clenched tight.

"...You alright, Ashlyn? You look pale." Tay asks worriedly, abandoning her curiosity about the room.

I strut over to Ashlyn, wanting to grab her arm but knowing how much she hated physical contact. I tilt my head slightly as I ask, "Hey, Ash?"

"I'm fine." She scratches her head, putting her earplug back in.

Out of nowhere, I catch a glimpse of a tall and dark figure looming right behind her, ready to pounce at any moment. My eyes widen as I lock eyes with its white orbs staring into my soul. I stumble back a bit and hear Logan from behind me,

"A-Ashlyn...Behind you..."

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