| 35-36 |

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sorry for the long wait everyone! thank you to those who have been very patient. and to the newcomers, I hope you've been enjoying the story!

I step off the porch beside Tyler and stare up at the roof. There was no longer any sign of Aiden or Ashlyn. My lips part in utter confusion as Tyler and I share a puzzled look,

"Where the hell are they?" I ask, scratching my head.

He peers around and shouts, "Ashlyn! Aiden?!"

We both flinch as a series of static sounds come out of the walkie. I scramble to unclip it from my belt and raise it to my ear. Logan's voice comes through, barely clear enough to understand him,

"The- the phantoms are heading back towards the graveyard...And there's only seventeen bullets left now!"

My eyes widen as I respond, "Alright, we'll be on our way in a bit! Just hang on."

Taylor's voice then cuts through, "Me and Ben are in the first room to the right up the stairs. We found the key."

Tyler wraps his hands around mine, the one that was holding the walkie. A blush creeps up my cheeks as his fingers graze mine. He raises it up to his face, locking his eyes on me, "Stay there! We're coming up!"

I pocket the walkie and follow Tyler into the house and up the stairs. We jogged down the hall, hearing Taylor say shakily behind the closed door,

"You hear the thumping and banging too, right?"

She was talking about the ruckus Ash and Aiden were making on the roof. We swing the door open and Tyler adds,

"That's Aiden and Ashlyn, possibly. And they need to hurry because there are at least two phantoms outside the door."

Taylor doesn't hesitate to prop open the window and poke her head out, searching for our friends, "Guys??"

I rest my elbows on the windowsill behind her, looking over her shoulder to see Aiden and Ashlyn sitting on the rooftop beside the window. Aiden says breathlessly, holding onto Ashlyn,

"...We need help."

I grip onto the windowsill and tell Tay, "Here, I got it."

She steps out of the way to give me room to lean over the window. I feel a pair of hands securely prop me up, bringing me closer to Aiden's outstretched hand. I look over my shoulder and find Tyler focused on keeping me upright,

"I got you."

Aiden speaks up, "Take her first."

He lifts Ashlyn up close enough so our hands can interlink. Taylor helps me pull her in and we both lose our balance once she falls into the bedroom. Ashlyn's exhausted figure topples over me and I let out a grunt. I prop up on my elbows and squeeze her arm,

"Hey...you alright?"

She looks up at me through her bangs and nods, though the fear in her eyes is too evident. I frown and immediately wrap my arms around her, pulling her in for a tight embrace. Taylor quickly joins in too, sobbing in relief.

Tyler drags Aiden in, patting him on the back .

I break away from the hug when Logan's voice comes through the walkie, "Guys! The phantoms are running in your direction! From what I can see, there's about twenty of them!"

I mentally curse and Tyler scoffs, "Lovely. We need to leave, immediately!"

I help Ashlyn up and notice a limp in her stance, "Here, I can carry you."

I turn around and crouch so she can hop on my back. She wraps her legs and arms around me and I try to refrain from wincing every time she puts her weight on my shoulder.

Tyler approaches me with a knowing look. I squint my eyes when his headlight flashes my face.

"Y/N," He says, "I'll take Ashlyn. You can't be carrying her."

Aiden clicks his tongue, now sitting on Ben's shoulders, "Why not? You callin' her weak? Tch, that's low Tyler, even for you."

"What?!" He widens his eyes and points at me, his face reddening, "No! Her shoulder's still injured!"

Ashlyn lifts her head up from said-shoulder, "You said it was fine, though."

I bite my lip, "I thought it was..."

I feel the weight on my back disappear to find Tyler now lifting Ashlyn instead. He gives me a warning look before following the group toward the bedroom door. I sigh and tag behind, massaging my shoulder.

Everyone stops in their tracks when a loud crash rings through the house.

"That came from downstairs..." Ashlyn comments.

Tyler furrows his brows, "Probably the phantoms that spotted me on the street."

"And there's about to be a lot more." Aiden eyes the window.

Without another thought, we all rush out of the bedroom, Tyler and Ash in the front. They immediately jump back before they could go through the door, though. A phantom was seconds from pouncing on them both until Ashlyn shined her flashlight in its face, making it shrink back.

I reach for my own and turn around just in time to find a phantom jumping down from the ceiling right above me. I gasp and aim my flashlight at it, causing it to fall onto me and deform. I nearly gag at its gooey state splattered all over me. I panic and try to scoot away, never lowering my flashlight.

Ben kicks it off of me and Taylor rushes over to lift me up. More phantoms begin to crawl through the bedroom window, leaving us surrounded. I try to ignore the black gunk all over my suit and keep my flashlight raised.

"...Well this is intense." Aiden comments, holding up two flashlights at the phantoms camping the ceiling.

"O-Okay..." Ashlyn tries to think, "Let's just stay in a circle while slowly walking towards the jeep. Me and Aiden will keep watch of the ceiling, and you guys cover all other angles."

We follow Tyler's lead, slowly walking down the stairs. I turn the corner and my jaw drops at the unbelievable number of phantoms waiting downstairs.

"...You've got to be kidding me."

We make our way through the horde, pushing them back with our lights. As soon as we step foot on the porch, the walkie goes off,

"Guys," Logan warns, "There are phantoms on the roof, be careful!"

Aiden quickly shifts on Ben's shoulders, aiming his flashlights up at the roof. Logan was right, there were a few lingering above us. I look over at Taylor, who scrambling through her pockets for the jeep's keys. As soon as she pulls them out, she meets my eyes.

I widen my eyes, knowing what she's going to ask, "Taylor, no-"

"You're the only one here with a license!"


"Shut up and take the damn keys! You're a good driver!" Tyler shouts.

I exhale. Taylor tosses them to me and I catch them with ease, rushing over to the driver's side. I wrap my hand around the handle, but something above me catches my eye. I yell when I meet the gaze of a phantom's, who was lingering on the roof of the car. I reach for my flashlight but someone else managed to take care of it quicker, shooting it right in the head. I flinch and stumble back, not expecting its body to roll off the car right in front of me.

I click the walkie, "Logan, I love you!"

I slam the door shut behind me and crank the keys. The jeep roars to life as Taylor slides into the passenger seat and the rest huddle in the backseat. As soon as the last door shuts, I check to make sure we didn't leave anyone behind. It didn't take long for the phantoms to break through the windows, reaching their hands inside hungrily.

I duck my head and feel one of its claws slice my cheek, making me wince. I step my foot down on the gas pedal, not wanting anyone else to get hurt. I swerve off the driveway, desperate to escape the phantom-infested yard.

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