| Ep 18 |

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this story has only been out for four days and it's already taken #1 for schoolbusgraveyard?? and we hit over 1k reads already? I appreciate the support and hope you continue to enjoy the story as it progresses <3

Present Day...

"I think we should go back to Savannah." Tyler insists, crossing his arms over the lunch table. This is not the first time this has been brought to our attention.

I look at him from the corner of my eye, observing the impatience written all over his face. Ashlyn groans and rubs her head in frustration,

"Alright..." she responds with a reluctant grunt, "Let's take some time to think on it again and have a group vote later tonight."

"Why not after school?" Tyler pushes, likely wanting to get this over with as soon as possible. Though, it didn't make sense for him to suggest this since he had baseball practice today.

Ashlyn shakes her head, "Because I have ballet class today."

"Uh, Ty..." Taylor speaks up quietly from beside him, "We have stuff to do after school too. You have baseball practice and I have a mechanics meeting."'

"I um..." Logan mutters from the end of the table, staring down at his untouched tray of cafeteria food, "I have to help with the flower shop today..."

"See? Logan's busy too," Taylor assures her brother, who hasn't looked up from his lap since he last spoke, "Even with what's happening, we can't just neglect school and our future. You need baseball."

I nod in agreement, knowing better than anyone how important earning a full-ride scholarship was to him, "Yeah, Ty. You've worked too hard to just throw this all away-"

"We aren't going to have a 'future' if we're dead!"

I sharply inhale at his miniature outburst, watching him grit his teeth. It was such a gruesome, yet realistic way to put it. I place my hand on his shoulder gently, rubbing my thumb in circular motions to calm him down before he flips the table over.

"It's not just our future," Ashlyn narrows her eyes at us, "If we drop everything to focus on fantasy-like events we can't prove, we're going to end up in a psyche ward."

I purse my lips and drop my hand from Ty's shoulder, causing him to shoot me a glance before looking back down angrily. Ashlyn goes on to say,

"Do you think that's going to make it easier or harder for all of us to have meetings during the day?"

Across the table, Aiden adds, "She's got a point, y'know. Generally, we're what people would call crazy." He gestures toward his head, spinning his finger in circles.

I turn my body a bit to face Tyler sitting next to me and take one of his hands, "I don't want you to go down a deep rabbit hole about this and drive yourself crazy. You know that won't be good for-"

"I'm crazy? Tch, whatever." He yanks his hand away from my grasp and stands from his table. He takes his tray of food and stomps away. Suddenly, he spins back around to drag Taylor away with him as well.

I silently watch as my best friends storm off- well, only Tyler is storming off. I stare back down at my tray full of food and pick at it with my fork, not knowing what to say.

I speak up softly and slightly embarrassed, stabbing my fork through the mashed potatoes, "Sorry about him."

"It's okay-" Logan begins to reassure me before Aiden cuts it.

"Don't apologize for him, Y/N. I know he's your best friend, but he isn't your responsibility." He reminds me, pointing his finger at me. I bite my inner cheek shamefully, but nod my head.

"I know...but, I'm usually able to knock some sense into him. Ever since Savannah, he's just been-"

"-Different?" Ashlyn finishes for me. I nod my head slowly and look back down.


It's 5:00 pm and I'm sitting in my car parked in the student parking lot. Music quietly plays in the background as I stare out onto the baseball field, which is perfectly in view from where I'm parked. His practice should be about over now.

My assumption is right, and I know because I spot the familiar brunette walk through the gates of the sports complex with his bag of gear slung over his shoulder. I roll my window down and poke my head out, waving him over. He spots me and changes direction, walking straight toward my car.

Most of the time, the days he has practice interfere with his mom's work schedule. So, I end up driving him home often, since we live on the same street. I don't mind, but today might be a little tense after our discussion during lunch earlier.

I unlock the doors and watch him hop into the passenger side. I help him throw his gear in the backseat and wait for him to get settled before I pull out of the parking spot.

I don't fail to notice the condition his practice uniform is in, completely coated in dirt and grass stains.

"Rough practice?" I ask, turning the music up a bit.

He stares out the window, but nods to my question, "Having an off-day."

"An off-day...?" I glance over at him once I reach a stop light and give him an obviously knowing look, "Or was your mind just elsewhere?"

He scoffs and turns to face me, allowing me to see his roughed-up face and hair, which I refrain from reacting to, "Of course that's what's on my mind! It's been bugging me for days, honestly..."

I let out a sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose, "Ty...I know this'll make you hate me when I say this but- "

"You know I could never hate you." He attempts a lopsided grin, making me roll my eyes with a smile.

"That isn't the point!" I punch his shoulder, "What I'm trying to tell you is that you shouldn't let this consume you and your thoughts. We will figure something out, just don't expect us to find answers so soon."

I turn my attention back to the road when the light goes green. Tyler doesn't say a word for a long minute before responding, "You're right...I'm sorry- It's just a lot, y'know?"

"Of course I do. Did you forget I'm going through this hell of a nightmare too?" I chuckle.

He smiles over at me and I feel the mood lighten a bit.

You know I could never hate you.

The words repeat in my head and my cheeks warm up when I remember how sincere his tone was too. Even with all that has been going on, I'm happy our dynamic hasn't changed a bit.

Meet Me at Midnight | Tyler x Reader | School Bus GraveyardOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant