| Ep 34 |

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I stumble through the doorway, struggling to breath as my mind is racing a million miles a minute. Aiden disappears from my line of vision as the door slowly closes behind me. I fall to my knees, gasping for air as I try to think of the most logical solution.

"What the-" Tyler's voice rings through my ears. The twins are midway up the stairs when my entrance catches their attention.


Aiden's exasperated voice makes us all jerk up. I lift my head up to find Taylor and Tyler run down the stairs to reach me. Tay props her axe down and grabs onto my shoulders,

"Woah! Hey, hey! Breath, Y/N! What happened?" She rubs my shoulders soothingly, but I can barely focus on the words escaping her lips right now.

I frantically run my fingers through my disheveled hair, pointing out at the front porch, "Its- uh...Ash! She's...she just-"

"Hey," Tyler kneels down, placing a hand under my chin to make me look up at him, "Slow down. You're just overwhelmed right now."

"Shit..." I mumble, pounding my palm on the wooden floor, "Shit, shit!"

I jump back up, catching the twins off guard. I turn on my heels to chase after Ash and Aiden, but Tyler's arm snakes around my torso, pulling me back,

"Woah, what are you doing?!"

"Hold on," Taylor walks past us both, "I'll go check-"

"No, I'll go with Y/N. You keep looking for the key!" He orders, not even considering sending his sister out there. Taylor lowers her head in disappointment but nods reluctantly.

"Fine. But be careful guys," She then eyes Tyler, who's still gripping onto my side, "Don't let anything happen to her!"

"You know I won't."

Taylor then jogs up the stares and disappears onto the second floor.

"C'mon!" He shouts, letting me go to swing the front door open. I follow him out onto the porch and we both stare over at the pair of legs dangling off the edge of the roof.

"What are you doing?!" Tyler asks, tilting his head up at what must be Aiden's shoes.

"Help me get up here! Now!" He shouts down at us. I don't even hesitate and run over to Aiden's legs, trying my best to push him up.

"Why-" Tyler questions but I shoot him a desperate look, making him shut up and rush over to help me out. We both take one leg and use all of our force to push him up. I wince as Aiden pushes his foot down on my sore shoulder,

"Gah-!" I groan but don't stop pushing him upward. Tyler's eyes dart over to me and then my shoulder,

"You told Ashlyn it was all better! What's wrong?!"

"Nothing!" I shout back. He shakes his head and takes both of Aiden's legs, shoving them up and over the ledge. As soon as the weight is lifted off my shoulder, I feel a wave of relief hit me like a train.

"Are you gonna tell me what's up with Ashlyn or what?!" He asks us both.

"A phantom stole her!" Aiden yells from above. Tyler manages to successfully get him up and stumbles back into me once Aiden's legs leave his hold. I place my hands on his back to stop him from running straight into me.

My eyes dart over to the deserted yard, sensing something moving in the distance. I gasp and tug on Tyler's sleeve, who's already staring down at me anxiously,

"What is it?" He asks, his tone now soft.

"Look!" I warn, pointing toward two phantoms in the distance, lurking near the trees.

"Uh...you might want to hurry!" He shouts up at Aiden, earning no response.

I feel Tyler pull me by my hips, which he seems to be getting into the habit of doing. He guides me away from the porch railing, hoping the phantoms didn't notice us. I back up until I feel the wall hit my back. Tyler's hands are still gripping my sides tightly, but his head turned away from me, eyeing the phantoms worriedly.

Our chests are pressed up against each other and I can hear his heavy breaths with every rise of his chest. I slowly raise my hand up to cup his jaw, turning his head to me, "Tyler?"

"W-what?" He pants out, still flicking his eyes over at the horde of phantoms approaching.

"Breathe." I repeat what Taylor told me earlier, "Look, I'm okay. And I bet Aiden's manhandling that phantom right now."

"I know but-" He breathes out shakily, his eyes darting every inch of my face, "It isn't over yet. What if someone...what if you-"

I wrap an arm around his neck and bring him into my arms. He sharply inhales at my embrace but quickly reciprocates my actions, snaking his hands around the small of my back, pressing his body up close to mine. He buries his face in the crook of my neck, tightening his hold as if I were on the verge of slipping away.

How he was holding me was entirely different from how Logan was hugging me earlier. Yes, it was just as desperate, but it was the way his breaths were shaky against my skin that made me worry for him. It was as if he had been needing this closure for a while now and no one had paid close enough attention. This whole time, I had not once checked on my best friend. I assumed he had his emotions all under control like how he always did...but that doesn't explain this.

I press my lips against his ear and whisper, "Hey...it's okay."


We jump away at the obnoxiously loud sound ringing through the cold, night air. I stare up at the ceiling, noticing how the sounds of struggle and restraint had discontinued. My hold on Tyler's shoulders tenses up,

"Was that..."

"A gunshot." Tyler confirms, his eyes narrowing as he steps off the porch, eyeing the ledge of the roof.

I scramble down to my belt, frantically reaching for the walkie. I hold the button down and shout, "Logan?! Logan, you there?"

A long pause.

"Uh! Yeah, yeah!" He speaks, his voice coming out statically.

"Was that you?!"


I let out a soft sigh, "Did you...make the shot?"

"I did. Ashlyn's fine." It sounded like he was trying to convince not only me, but himself too.

I smile up at Tyler, releasing my thumb from the button, "I told you we'd be okay."

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