| Ep 32-33 |

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Sharpening my pocket knife, I rest against the wall of the bus we were all huddled in. Next to me, I hear Logan loading up his rifle shakily. I slide my knife in the pocket of my suit and walk over to him,

"Need help?"

I watch his hands tremble around the barrel, "Sorry...I-I don't know why-"

"It's okay." I smile down at him and take the gun, loading it with ammo. I hand it back to him and he slings it over his shoulder.

"Thanks," He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

I straighten up and back up, accidentally bumping into someone. I turn around to apologize and pause when my eyes find Tyler's.

"Careful." He jokes, taking a step back as he playfully swings his bat around in his hands. I watch as his head lowers to my feet and he says, "Your shoes aren't tied."

He kneels down, placing his bat by his shoes and takes the loose laces in his fingers, looping them around to tie them securely. I blush at the innocent gesture,

"I can tie my own shoes."

"Clearly not if they untied so easily." He comments, lifting my foot to rest on his perked-up knee. I lift my head and find Taylor and Ben eyeing me knowingly. I mouth 'shut up' and Tay covers her mouth with her hand to hide her smile.

He pats the top of my shoe, "There."

I drop my foot from his knee to allow him to stand back up. As he walks past, his arm brushes up against mine, sending a jolt of electricity through my body. I sharply inhale, trying to shake off the feeling.

"Hey um," Ashlyn walks over to us, adjusting her headlight, "Before we go- I just wanted to...apologize...for earlier. When I snapped at you guys."

My face relaxes at her apology and I cross my arms over my chest, "Don't sweat it, Ash. We forgive you!"

Her lips twitch up slightly at my warm smile and Taylor nods her head, "Yeah! It's okay now, don't worry. We all have our moments, right?"

Aiden laughs, swinging his legs on the file cabinet perched up against the wall of weapons we set up earlier, "Yeah, Tyler has his every day!"

I laugh aloud with him, making Tyler spin his head around, "Excuse me?"

Logan raises his hands up, "G-guys, we just stopped fighting. Don't start again please..."

Ashlyn freezes in place at our lighthearted reactions to her apology, likely not expecting us to take it the way we did, "Alright, then. Let's do this."


We all peek out over the edge of the high concrete walls and throw down a rope as a way to easily climb up and down it. I stare down at the horde of phantoms hungrily waiting for us. Aiden raises his arms up, stretching his limbs, earning a scowl from Ashlyn,

"Get down." She whispers, then turning to Logan and I, who were kneeling beside each other, "You sure your injuries are okay, guys?"

I nod calmly, "Yup, has been for a while now."

Logan raises his black top to reveal the scars left by the phantom's claws, "Yeah, it's pretty much gone now. It's weird."

"Okay, get in your position then." Ashlyn orders and Logan nods in response.

"Now?" Aiden confirms.

"Now." She nods.

He takes his phone out of his pocket and taps the play button. My heart nearly jumps out of my chest when music suddenly blasts through the air. The noise was coming from the cluster of speakers we had set up on a tree nearby.

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