Chapter 13 Black Sheep

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I still couldn't believe I was in my senior year now, it felt kinda strange that this would be my final year in school, at least until university. The first three days had been pretty exciting though, but that always wears off. This year will be the most important one I have ever had. I kind of wished the accident hadn't happened until after I finished high school, at least I would have the time to be a superhero instead of focusing most of my time on schoolwork. This year was going to be rough. I could feel it. I guess later into the semester, the people of Gothca were going to be seeing less of Veridi for the time being.  

Now a week into school. I was now finally acclimated to all my new and old classes.  While math hadn't gotten much more complex, English, philosophy, and robotics classes had. You didn't need to have super-smelling to sense the fear and anxiety in the classroom. I could tell from the looks on everyone's faces that this was going to be way above what we had done in our freshman and sophomore years. Though, luckily for me, I had quite a headstart on everyone. That didn't mean it would be easy, but it would give me an edge.  

I decided to keep philosophy, even though I wouldn't have it until the third and fourth semesters. My grades in that class were mostly solid C's with the occasional B. Even if I wasn't a top student in that class, Mr. Lynch's encouragement has helped immeasurably. I've even found that it can be an intellectually stimulating subject to learn about despite my lack of aptitude for that field. However, If I was going to be a decent superhero, I would need a solid philosophical groundwork. All the best superheroes did. 

I stepped off the bus, fresh autumn leaves crunched under my boots. Summer was coming to an end and the long autumn would soon come. I guess I should go out more after school and enjoy the warm weather while I still could. While I was making my way to the doors, I noticed Drew walking hurriedly while carrying his large backpack toward one of the side doors. He had it slung over his shoulder, trying to look casual. It looked kind of heavy like he was bringing something in that he shouldn't be. I'd have to get a closer look.  

I followed in the crowds behind making sure not to get too close as I trailed behind him. Drew normally lumbered everywhere he went, making lots of noise. Other than in gym class, I'd never seen him move so quickly and with purpose. I had to sneak past the security guards who roamed the halls most of the day. Ever since Lectro attacked, all schools in Gothca now had a duo of armed hall monitors patrolling the interior and exterior of said schools. All to soothe the worries of our parents.

Drew was going somewhere that was important. I kept just close enough to see where he was going until he stopped outside a door to a storage room, I took cover behind a corner. He took a set of old-fashioned keys out of his pocket and opened the door. Inside of the dark, dusty storage room, there looked to be a bunch of musical equipment. What was he doing in here?

I knew Drew was shifty, but this was so much more and worse than I expected. I knew he was in a punk band, was he planning on stealing some of the band instruments? I had to get a closer look. I brought some of my gadgets with me in case another attack happened while I was at school. I opened my backpack and took out a tiny spy drone I made over summer break. I jacked into it, controlling it telepathically. I flew the crudely made drone into the vent, getting a good look as to what Drew was up to.

He was sitting on top of a large box with his guitar out, he looked to be tuning it. well, this wasn't exactly what I was expecting. Was this what he did every time he skipped class? Did he just come down here to tune his guitar? There was no way that was just it, he was way too suspicious-looking not to be up to something. I didn't have much time left, but I suppose I was going to be late either way. Drew then put down his guitar, walked over to a box, and opened it. What was he doing now? 

He pulled out something wrapped in layers of plastic. I couldn't get a decent view since what he was holding was obstructed by shadows. There was more than just one item in the box, there looked to be a number of different things in there. I couldn't get a closer look without alerting Drew to my drone's presence. From what I could tell, he had a decent stash of stuff in there, and I doubt any of it was legal.      

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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