More Headcanons :0

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Yeah. More Headcanons lmfao-


-FnaF phase 🐻🎩

-Probably ate allot of spicy food that he has a high tolerance for it now

-Can and will drown someone (specifically Tyler)

-One time he held one of his classmates at gun point. Turns out it was just a pellet gun.

-Takes allot of medication pills

-Shit in Math and History 😔

-Whenever he's with Ashlyn in the middle of the night his mind randomly plays that one part in 'Marry You' by Bruno Mars.

-Probably crushed snake eggs

-Social anxiety fr fr (except he hides it)

-Likes to do things last minute

-Skater boy you can't change my mind


-When she was a child she once hid inside the cupboards. When confronted, she just says "sorry force of habit"

-One time walked around in circles. She forgot the gang was visiting her so they walked into her room while she was walking in circles like she's summoning Satan.

-Good in sneaking

-Fuck autism, my girl can kick a kidnapper in the face /pos

-Expert in identifying dog breeds. If you asked her what dog was that then she would answer in the span of half a millisecond without even analyzing it. She just straight up knows the breed by just taking one glance.

-Once fell on the floor too hard that she screamed "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT SON OF A MOTHER FUCKING BITCH ASS CLUSTERFUCKING BASTARD!" in front of the others.


-Probably knows the entire swear words in the dictionary and teaches Ashlyn and Logan about it

-Whenever he laughs so hard he punches or slaps someone

-Choked Aiden once

-Says swear words 24/7 even in text

-"Think fast" throws a fucking bat at you

-Sometimes sleeps with his eyes open

-Gives free haircuts


-Is this close to snapping 🤏

-Is done with Tyler's bullshit

-When he found out Tyler was teaching Ash and Logan swear words she beat true crap out of him

-"I'll make your houses!"

-Can not and can handle criticism

-Had an existential crisis one time (because she didn't review a short quiz)

-Makes bracelets for everyone


-One time stalked Barron's Instagram account only to see thirst traps. He was never the same again.

-Perfectionist in a good and bad way

-Good gun handler

-Speaking of guns he has a shotgun on top of his bed

-Secretly has death notes and threats specifically made for Barron. Every one of them describes how he dies in perfect and disturbing detail.

-Screams and uses his pillow to muffle it out


-Secretly makes lyrics on his own

-Knows swear words in ASL

-Probably plays Clash of Clans with Tyler

-Plays the guitar

-Piano tiles pro

-Memorized the entire script of the bee movie

-Types "lol" with a straight face

The Gang

-Aiden broke in Ashlyn's room and explained the whole FnaF lore in detail. Ashlyn stared at him the whole time as if he's a ghost advertising a corn dog company.

-Aiden and Taylor watch drama series and gossip about it

-Logan and Ben once watched a horror movie. Logan cried the whole time while Ben was trembling as if God struck lightning on him.

-They all share music tastes and like it

-Aiden and Ashlyn once put make over on Tyler's face.

-Ashlyn teaches Taylor how to dance

-Aiden and Tyler sometimes draw on each other

-Logan rambles about astronomy. The whole gang listened.

-The others try their hardest to not let Logan and Ashlyn learn any more swear words (Tyler isn't helping)

-Because of Aiden constantly taking pills the others though he was slowly going to kill himself by overdosing himself.

-Aiden once was hanging dangerously on a branch that was about to fall off. Ashlyn  though that he was going to kill himself that day.

-Ashlyn hears weird shit every day from the gang (especially Tyler and Aiden)

-Aiden has a whole folder of the times he quote on quote 'caught the others lacking' (mostly Tyler)

-Taylor and Aiden found out they have a FnaF phase. They ended up making a YouTube channel with gacha FnaF videos.

-Tyler and Ashlyn teamed up to destroy it (the channel) once and for all.

Yeah that's it for the headcanons :)

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