Waking Up, My Eyes Open Up | [Ashlyn]

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PART TWO OF "'Normal' Day In The Facility'" YOOOO 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Screaming could be heard from afar, and Aiden did not like it. He barely can't even do anything without getting interrupted by the horrific screams.

The same goes for Tyler, who was getting irritated by the screaming. He did not know where the hell they came from, but he just wants it to stop.

The other three are shaken up by them. It was muffled, sure, but it just doesn't feel right. Whenever they asked the staff, they would brush it off and say that they were experimenting on the infected.

The staff made sure that they would not find out about their chained up dog in a room.

“She's gone again..” Logan spoke, as he looked at the bed that Ashlyn was resting on last shift.

“Well where the hell could she possibly be??” Tyler asked, his voice with a hint of annoyance, but worry was mostly there.

“I'm finding her!” Aiden yelled, as he swiftly grabbed the key card from the table and ran outside the room. He could hear the others yelling at him to come back, but he won't. Nothing will stop him from finding her.

..aside from his headache, of course.

“Ash? Ashy?" Aiden called out, as he flashed the dark hall. There was nothing but phantom blood coating the floors, and corpses.

He was alone, but that was until he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw both Logan and Taylor. “Aiden! Don't go running off like that!” Logan panted, as he stopped to take a break.

“Yeah, you could've just wait for us, instead of me, Ben, and Logan having to be chased by phantoms just to find you..” Taylor said.

“Ben's here?” The blonde asked. As if on cue, Ben came up behind Logan, giving a thumbs up. Aiden raised an eyebrow, upon realizing something.

“Where's.. Tyler?” He asked. “We left him, but we locked the door. He should be fine” Taylor answer, slightly worrying for her twin. They were inseparable, of course.

“Anyways,” Logan cleared his throat, as he gripped on the gun. “Let's go find Ashlyn”

At this time, Ashlyn was moving around rapidly, desperately attempting to break free from the chains. She hated each second of it, her body felt like it was burning. The scars on her arms and legs were still there, and bleeding.

She just wished that her friends were here. She wished that they were comforting her. She had softened up to the group, that she just wants to be with them.

They made her feel complete.

Suddenly, the metallic door was flung away with out a warning, earning a yelp from Ashlyn from how loud the impact was.

“Ash?” A familiar voice called out. She knows that voice with her heart.

She wanted to speak, but the muzzle was still on her mouth, so she can't do anything but watch as four of her friends enter the blood caked room.

“Wait.. Ashlyn!” Taylor yelled, as she flashed her light towards the girl, which made her look away from the brightness. Taylor immediately puts it down, but she ran towards Ashlyn and hugged her.

“Ashlyn–” Taylor stopped, as dread dawned on her the moment she saw Ashlyn's beaten and bleeding appearance. She turned her head to the boys and called out "Ben! She's injured!”

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