Comfort | [Aiden]

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In which Aiden breaks down due to what happened in school. Luckily, his parents at least try to give him comfort.

This takes place when Aiden is 12 years old

(I also definitely did NOT based this on what happened today)

Social anxiety Aiden HC  🤝 Me irl


The raven haired let himself fall down to his bed, curling up into a ball miserably. It was clear the boy was trying his hardest to not let a single tear escape from him.

He was being too sensitive. He shouldn't even cry. Boys don't cry, right?

It would be pathetic if you're a boy and all you do is cry. He isn't some weakling.

He isn't sensitive, right?

It was the day that he was going to perform his speech. And unlike his other classmates, he had memorized it, from the front to the back. He was sure he would at least pull this off.

But as the speech continued, his luck ran out.

"And according to statistics, it is estimated that one on every four students experiences..." Aiden trailed off, as his mind had seemed to suddenly forgot what he had memorized. He gripped on the microphone on his hands, as he looked around in panic.

And then laughs broke the silence. Those stupid laughs that make him feel like some kind of loser.

He tried to shake it off, as he simply continued when he finally found the words. "—ex—experiences bullying— while many more are witness to bullying behavior." The room goes quiet again, but he could still hear the previous laughter seconds ago. It wasn't leaving his mind easily.

"A— bullying—"

The laughter came back again, and the teacher slammed his hand on the desk and told them all to shut up, but it was clear that they were clearly making fun of him.

The boy took a deep breath as he again, tried to recollect his words.

"B—bullying h—has grave effects on a person's self—esteem— a—and can cause depression, anxiety and feelings of loneliness— or iso—isolation"

Shit. He stuttered too much. He felt like a train wreck.

He clenched the microphone again, his breathing starts to get heavier, and his words were pacing up the speed due to his panic. They were all talking to each other. They were all smiling. Why are they talking to each other?

He messed up. He messed this up. Last year he did so great, but now? He didn't even know anymore. It felt like as each year passed, he just felt so useless and dumbfounded.

Everyone was staring at him. He wished that everyone would stop. He wished everyone's attention wasn't on him. He wished he wasn't in front of this room, stuttering while the eyes of others were laid on him.

He felt like a disappointment to his parents name.

In lunch, he heard his classmates say shit. It was getting on him.

"He stutters so much!"

"He's so loud— does he have a big mouth? Pfft—"

"He looks so stupid trying to recite that ha!"

"What does he think he is?

A perfect son?"

Recalling that, he let a sob escape from him, before he finally broke down, hugging his nearby pillow. He wanted to muffle out his sobs, but he just couldn't. He felt pathetic, that it's embarrassing to watch him like this.

He felt like an embarrassment. Like he always is.

A knock came from his door, as he jolted up. Without considering the tears on his face, he stood up and opened the door, to see the worried faces of his parents that are currently outside his door. And when they saw how much of a sobbing mess he was, their worry turned to concern and pity.

"Hey son... Are you.. Crying..?" His father asked in a soft spoken voice.

Son..? He never called him that. Only his first name.

"C'mon, come to mom" His mother said, as he opened her arms, inviting him for a hug. She never hugged him in his life.

"I—I'm fine!— nothing to—" Aiden blurted out, as he turned away, but his father grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer.

"Hey! Let go of me!" He tried to squirm out of the arms of his parents, but he felt a hand on his shoulder, as he was suddenly faced by his father.

"Tell us what happened, son. We won't judge." His father said, as he cupped both of Aiden's cheeks. Aiden stared at him, with tears streaming down his face, as he finally broke.

"It's my classmates! I was reciting the speech— t-then I—I forgot some words- and s-s-stuttered— and they all made fun of me! They said I'm stupid, they said I have s big mouth, and they said I- I think that I'm a perfect son even though I'm no-"

He was cut off, as he felt the warm embrace of both his parents. He cried out loud, as he finally accepted the warm and comforting hug of his parents.

Despite the fact that they keep saying that he's a stubborn child and some mean stuff, he felt comforted. It sad the first time he even felt like this.

Maybe it's alright for boys to cry after all.

After that night, his parents went off with their next day like nothing happened. But deep down, they never really regreted comforting their one and only perfect son. They just couldn't admit it.

And when Aiden went to school, the people that once laughed and mocked him were suddenly apologizing to him profusely, as if their life depends on it.

All he knows is that someone had threatened to deduct all their grades and expel them by bribing the principal with huge stacks of money.


Do I enjoy projecting my parent problems to Aiden? No

Do I enjoy this day? No

But do I enjoy the fact that my parents will come to my school tomorrow to confront them all? Yes

(The whole threatening part wasn't real. Only the whole speech incident and the parent comfort thing )

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