24: purple skies

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"Ms. Arma, Violet really adores you" I state.

My friends decided to leave for a drinking game with Drew and David but I have my own intoxication sleeping on our bed- we share.

"Of course she does. I was just like a mother to her, even before her mother died, Blue."

I have nothing but respect for Ms. Arma. She took Violet in when she was raped. She helped Violet out of her situation.

I really hope some day Violet finds its comfortable to tell me about her past- because I have a lot of questions.

"I love your Violet." I state, because I do.

"My Violet likes you too."she responds with affirmity. My eyebrows marry each other

"Did she tell you that" my eyebrows divorce and I let out a chuckle.

"You see young fellow, she does. I dont know how much you know of her- but she very much had a lot of .....pain in her life growing up. Love had always been unknown in her life.

She is very lucky to have found someone who loves her with so much admiration. If you break her heart, you'll be breaking mine too. And a broken Arma is nothing but scary" she says.

Maybe she expects me to fear her- but I dont. I respect her even more.

"I would never hurt her." I nod my head and reach out to hug Ms. Arma

"Thank you." is all I say. I leave out the part where I thank her for taking care of my Violet.

Ms. Arma sighs and then she bids me goodbye.


I left Violet in our room for about an hour now. I cant wait to cuddle up beside her and watch her sleep.

Except I dont.

The second I enter the room a shoe flies right towards my face and smacks me.

Thank god Violet did not wear heels.

"What?" is all I say. I growl because Im instantly pissed.

"You!! YOU!" is all she says.

She seems hurt. Oh. No.

My eyes dart to her journal on top of her bed. Did she?

but how? I left no traces!

"Violet you seem hurt. Calm down. We can talk about it." I have a very considerate tone.

"No." she simply states.

She walks towards me and pulls me to her bed. She points towards her diary and asks me the most dreadful question that ever existed.

"Did you read my journal?"

I dont reply.

Her eyes start swelling up.

"Did you?" she says, this time - utterly hurt.

"I knew you had one but I... " I dont know why Im lying. Maybe because I fucking promised Ms. Arma I would never hurt her Violet and it's not even 10 minutes since my vow that now id be breaking it,"I did not read your journal Violet". I keep my poker face on.

Violets eyes look for any sign of guilt and she instantly takes a deep breathe and starts crying.

"Oh Blue Im so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. This journal has some really dark parts to it and I promise I'll tell you whenever I think is right. I just, I dont want you to read this without my consent."

I nod. I nod because I know I'll break her trust when she realizes I have been lying to her.

God damn it! My head hurts.

"Its okay. Let us just sleep." I state.

We both fall sleep- well Violet does.

I watch her calm body wrapped around a fluff blanket. She looks so different than how she was just 30minutes ago -storming at me.

She sure has a form of thunder that can amaze just about anyone.

But. But guilt. Guilt is all I feel. I know Violet couldn't see it in me - but I started regretting my words the second I lied to her.

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