Chapter 1

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What is the definition of power? It is "the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events". People say "knowledge is power", other say "strength is power", but some say "power is power". This corrupts its meaning, making it dark and dangerous.


Andrea stood barefoot in the sand beside the Black Lake, looking up at Hogwarts standing tall in the distance. She thought to herself, 'to be back here...brings back so many memories'. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She put her shoes back and made the long walk up the steps to Hogwarts. When she arrived at the top of the steps, Professor Weasley was waiting for her.
"Oh, Miss Taylor!" Professor Weasley waved.
"Hello there Professor!" Said Andrea shaking Professor Weasley hand.
"It's so wonderful to see you. You are so grown up. How long has it been? Almost a decade?"
Andrea did not realise it had been that long. "It can't be that long ago, surely?" She asked.
Professor Weasley laughed. She extended her arm, pointing it towards the Wooden Bridge and up to Hogwarts. "Shall we?"
They walked together across the bridge. "I have you situated in the faculty tower. I hope that is acceptable."
"It will definitely be a change to Gryffindor Tower" laughed Andrea.
Walking through the large doors, Andrea looked in awe. Hogwarts hadn't changed at all since she was there all those years ago as a student. Professor Weasley could see that Andrea was having a moment. She stood and watched as Andrea took in her surroundings. They continued to walk through Hogwarts, talking about what had changed. Andrea explained her role as an Auror with the Ministry, stating she helped continue the efforts of the other Aurors dealing with the Ranrok fall out. She tried not to give away too much information, as to not worry the Professor.
"I became an Auror as soon as I could. I couldn't stand by and watch those who sided with Ranrok go unpunished." She said. She continued by saying Officer Singer helped her gain a job within the Ministry and even coached her to become an Auror.
"I am immensely proud of you and what you've accomplished. Even with starting your studies in your 5th Year. You have proven yourself to be a very competent and intelligent young witch." Said Professor Weasley.
Andrea turned to Professor Weasley, looking as though she was about to cry but managed to compose herself. "That is very kind of you to say. I have always felt I was at a disadvantage, only starting in my 5th year."
"On the contrary, you have definitely proven that this wasn't the case. You went through so much whilst you were here. It has made you into the person you are today. Powerful, Smart and Courageous." Andrea tried to change the subject to avoid losing her composure.
Professor Weasley decided to discuss the changes at Hogwarts. She had been promoted to Headmistress after Professor Black took a position with the Ministry of Magic. A portrait of Professor Fig was placed in the Magical Theory classroom to honour him and his sacrifice all those years ago as well as a 2nd portrait in Professor Weasley's office. Some of the students Andrea attended Hogwarts with are now Professors. Natsai (Natty) Onai took over her mother's position as the Divination Professor, Poppy Sweeting was now the Beasts Professor and even Professor Weasley's nephew, Garreth Weasley was now the Potions Professor.
"I don't think I have forgotten anyone." Said Professor Weasley, knowing full well that she had forgetting one every important person. "We will start with a small faculty meeting in my office."
When they arrived at the Headmistress's office, everyone was already there, waiting for Andrea's arrival. She was met with smiling faces and lots of hugs from Poppy and Natty. Garreth even came and gave Andrea a hug. He had changed the most. She noted how mature he looked.
"Some people just need time to grow up". He laughed, looking at his Aunt. Professor Weasley looked back at her nephew, smiling from ear to ear, trying not to laugh herself. There was one more person in the room for Andrea to see. He kept to the shadows until Andrea entered the centre of the room. He came out from the darkness, Andrea noticing his brown hair and brown eyes.
"Hello Andrea" he said. Andrea recognised him instantly. It was Sebastian Sallow.
She stood in shock at seeing Sebastian, after all these years. He still looked the same. Mysterious, charming and deviously handsome. She tried to compose herself yet again, until Sebastian stood barely a step away from. He towered over her and looked deep into her eyes. Andrea started breathing heavily. "You haven't changed."
He looked her up and down with his eyes, and bit his lip slightly. "You have". Andrea smirked and kept her eyes locked on his. Realising that they were being watched, they both coughed awkwardly and stepped away from each other. Both were slightly embarrassed. Everyone looked at them; Garreth gave Sebastian a thumbs up and both Natty and Poppy giggled to each other and smiled at Andrea.
"Right then!" Announced Professor Weasley, clapping her hands together. "I have asked you all here because you have all been made aware of Andrea's abilities and the events that happened during your 5th year here." She took a deep breath. "I have some terrible news, received from the Ministry." Professor Weasley paused and glanced at Andrea for her to continue.
Andrea stepped forward. "Yes." She cleared her throat. "We have reason to believe that there is a dark magic plot against Hogwarts and possibly its students". Everyone was stunned and confused. Andrea began to explain that since she became an Auror, she had been rounding up various Ranrok sympathisers, many of whom had been in hiding since Ranrok's defeat.
"After I defeated Ranrok, many of his followers went into hiding. The Aurors before me did their best at rounding up as many as they could. But many still evaded capture. We also had the fall out of Victor Rookwood's followers to contend with." Andrea paused and glanced at Sebastian. He was noticeable uncomfortable with hearing that name again. He hated Victor Rookwood more than anyone on this earth. Remembering it was Rookwood who cursed his twin sister, Anne, whom he hadn't spoken to in years. Andrea continued, hoping it would take Sebastian's mind off of Anne.
"The followers we have captured have kept silent minus some incoherent statements. It's like they have all gone mad. They keep repeating the same thing over and over again; 'The ancient one returns'. We have no idea what this means. The only thing we do know is that it has something to do with Hogwarts. We have placed contingents of Aurors outside the grounds of Hogwarts, and at Hogsmead and the surrounding hamlets. This will hopefully offer some reassurance to the students and Professors as well of the residents of Hogsmead and the nearby hamlets." Everyone had sat down by this point, which Andrea noticed. "I know this is a lot to take in."
"I have a question." Said Poppy. Andrea gestured 'of course'.
"Why haven't Aurors been posted within Hogwarts? And I know everyone is thinking this but, why haven't we closed the school?". Andrea knew that these were very good questions. She had even considered recommending closing Hogwarts but all that would do is delay the next generation of witches and wizards. "I did considered making the recommendation to close the school, however it was felt that the education of young witches and wizards was a priority. We also do not know if this plot is genuine yet. Regarding the Aurors though, only my supervisor knows of my ancient magic ability and what took place here when we were in our 5th year. So, to protect that secret, only I have been placed here at Hogwarts." Sebastian stood up, looking slightly distressed. "Alone...?" He asked worryingly.
Andrea sighed. "Yes, I am more than capable of protecting Hogwarts if and when the time comes. As I have done previously." She then crossed her arms, and raised her eye brow at him.
Sebastian didn't want to back down. "I'm not letting you do that alone." They stared at each other for a few seconds before Sebastian turned to look at the others. "I think I speak for all of us when I say we are more than willing to help you. If and when the time comes." He said. The others stood up and nodded.
"Definitely!" Natty said. "Hogwarts is home to many of us. The students are our top priority."
Andrea smiled. "If you are all in agreement...". Everyone nodded. Andrea turned to Professor Weasley. "Well, can you make sure that all Professors are aware of the situation and to stay on high alert but to try and keep lessons and life here at Hogwarts as normal as possible? This shouldn't interfere with their learning."
"I absolutely agreed. I will inform the other professors. Students will be arriving in a few weeks." Professor Weasley then exited her office. Everyone followed and went to their respective sleeping quarters. Garreth and Poppy exited first to check on the Beasts ready for the start of term. Natty and Andrea exited second with Sebastian not far behind.
"Well, he certainly hasn't forgotten you." Natty said, nudging Andrea's arm. "The tension!" She then turned around. "I will leave you two to catch up." Winking at Andrea as she left. Sebastian stood behind Andrea, towering over her. Andrea could feel him breathing, he was that close to her.
Andrea tilted her head slightly. "Are you going to say something or are you just going to stand there judging my decisions?" She asked sarcastically.
Sebastian put his head down slightly to her ear. "I couldn't keep you out of trouble as a 5th year, so I highly doubt you are going to listen to me now."
Andrea turned to face Sebastian. "You could never tell me what to do". She smirked.
Sebastian raised his eyebrow and smiled. They stood in silence for a few seconds before either of them spoke. Then as before, they both felt they were being watched again. Their 3 friends had gathered behind the wall, peering around the side. When they realised that they had been seen, they quickly scurried off.
"Walk with me?" Sebastian gestured his head.
Andrea laughed and said "Yes, of course." They made their way out of Hogwarts and walked around the grounds by the Herbology Gardens.

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