Chapter 6

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Before long, it was Halloween. Hogwarts was always elaborately decorated with pumpkins, orange streamers and garland, and all manor of Halloween related decorations. Of course, every student's (and professor's) favourite part was the Halloween Feast. All you can eat chocolate and sweets and anything pumpkin related - pumpkin pie, pumpkin tart, and even pumpkin soup.

Andrea was getting ready in her chambers, ready for the feast. She stood near the mirror next to the window. She glanced out of the window and could see Highwing soaring through the sky. As she stood by the window, a gust of wind passed through her. It made the hairs on her arm stand up and sent a shiver down her spine. She then had a horrible feeling that something was wrong. She tried to continue getting ready but this feeling she couldn't ignore. Her mother always told her never to ignore a sign and Andrea knew this was a genuine sign. Her mother used to listen to the wind to know when it was to be a bad winter or a storm was coming. As a child, Andrea never really understood this. But as she grew older, she would look at for signs, and even omens. She understood it so much more after becoming an Auror. She remembered back to what her mother told her. 'Gusts of wind are messengers my dear. One must listen to learn what they have to stay. They could be warnings or they could be a loved one reminding you that they are still there...with you'. Andrea could picture her mother as she remembered. Her eyes started to fill with tears. She sniffed hard, dried her eyes and brushed herself down. But even as she walked to her door, she could still feel this wind, it made her cold, sending another shiver down her spine. She took a deep breath and open the door, and left her chambers.

She made her way down to the Great Hall. Many students were also making their way there too. Many said 'Good Evening, Officer' to her. She had become quite popular especially among the older students who wanted to become Aurors. She nodded at them and said 'Good Evening' back. She could already smell the sweetness before she even entered the Great Hall. Andrea looked up at the enchanted ceiling which was black as night, with thunder and lightening happening every few seconds, really giving the room a Halloween feel. Jack-a-lanterns hovered overhead, lit with a small candle, to show their devilish grins. Andrea walked down to the Professors tables and noticed Poppy. She hadn't yet noticed Garreth already devouring a pumpkin to himself. When she reached the table and noticed Garreth, she stood over him so he looked up at her with just his eyes and his cheeks full of food. Andrea snorted with laughter. Poppy, who was sat next to Garreth, got up.

"He started without us." She laughed.

"That's quite alright!" Andrea said, trying not to look at Garreth to avoid laughing.

He just gave her the middle finger and continued eating. Andrea let out a fake gasp and her and Poppy laughed again.

Natty came over to them with some Pumpkin soup. "This is amazing, you just have to try some! I have already had 2 bowls".

"You are as bad as him" Poppy said, as she pointed over to Garreth. They all ended up laughing again. Sebastian then appeared. Andrea looked over to him and ushered him over. He was very smartly dressed as usual. Andrea seemed to notice this more tonight for some reason. She felt herself starting to breathe more heavily. She snapped herself out of it and just smiled as he came over.

"I'm surprised he hasn't been sick yet" said Sebastian. "Did you save me any?" He asked Garreth. Garreth passed down a pumpkin pie to Sebastian, still with her cheeks full of food.

Andrea started to eat as did her friends. Many conversations were happening. The Great Hall was never quiet.

All of a sudden the entire room started to shake vigorously. Students started to panic and teachers tried to calm things. It was an Earthquake.

The enchanted ceiling had turned into a full blown storm. This scared many of the 1st years. Luckily, the older students gathered and tried to comfort them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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