Chapter 5

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The first day of the school year arrived. Students were coming in on the train to Hogsmead Station. The Station was surrounded by Aurors in case of any dangers. Andrea walked down the steps of the bridge over the tracks. She looked around continuously, checking her surroundings. She saw steam coming from train in the distance and then heard its horn. She remember experiencing the train journey herself but only in her 6th year. The train came into the station and came to a steady halt. Students started to disembark. Aurors helped usher them to the correct transports to Hogwarts. Many of the 1st years gathered at the front of the train waiting for a Professor to show them the way. Luckily for Andrea, it was Sebastian who was chosen to lead the 1st years. He waited until all of the 1st years disembarked and then lead them to the boats. Andrea followed closely behind as protection for the group. The 1st years looked confused travelling by boat and so did Andrea. The last time she travelled from the train, she travelled by carriage. She laughed to herself, and helped some of the students into the boats. The students were talking amongst themselves before they saw Hogwarts coming into view. Sebastian then said loudly to the group, "Welcome to Hogwarts." The castle then fully came into view. The students looked in awe, many were astonished, some commented on its size and some even said it was beautiful. Andrea laughed to herself.
When they arrived at Hogwarts, Sebastian lead the students up from the boathouse up to the Great Hall. Andrea slipped past them and made her own way to the Great Hall so she was ahead of them. When she came into the hall, the rest of the students were already seated. The hall was loud with talking and conversation of the new year. As she walked down, she heard many students commenting on the Aurors at the train station and the ones that exported them to the castle. When she arrived at the front, she saw Professor Weasley.
"They will ready in a few minutes" she said.
Professor Weasley nodded and went to the podium at the front of the hall. Everyone fell silent. "Please help me and welcome the newest students to Hogwarts. We all remember how daunting this can be. So, as always, please be kind" She then clapped her hands and the large door to the hall opened on their own. Sebastian entered with the 1st years in tow. They all gathered at the front for the Sorting Ceremony. Professor Weasley placed a chair in front of the podium. Just to the left of the chair, was the sorting hat. It seemed to sit there in disgust.
Professor Weasley took the hat by its top and lifted it in the air. With a list in her other hand, she said "Now, when I call your name, you will come up here, I will place the sorting hat upon your head, and you will sorted into your houses. They are Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Once you are sorted, you will then sit with your respective house."
She then began reading names from her list. The students clapped after each sorting. Andrea looked on and remembered her sorting ceremony, that she was almost late for. After the Sorting Ceremony had finished, Professor Weasley went back to the podium and clapped her hands once again. The students fell silent as before.
"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now, first of all, I would like to explain the presence of Aurors. I understand that many of you may already been aware. The Ministry has placed these Aurors as protection to you and the Professors whilst here at Hogwarts and the surrounding areas. You mustn't panic. These Aurors are here for your protection and shouldn't interfere with your schooling. On that note, I would like to introduce Auror Officer Andrea Taylor. She has been appointed to Hogwarts and will be here for the year." She opened her arm and pointed it towards Andrea.
Andrea made her way up to the podium and started her speech. "Thank you, Professor Weasley." She looked at the students, all staring back at her. She took a breath. "I remember being sat where you are, as a student here at Hogwarts. I started in my 5th year and I was actually late to my Sorting Ceremony." Sebastian, Poppy, Natty and Garreth all laughed with Professor Weasley. Andrea turned and smiled. "But, I did have a good reason. I remember thinking how big and scary Hogwarts was. But then after only a few days, it really felt like home. I know many of you are concerned by the presence of Aurors around Hogwarts. While I can assure you that their presence shouldn't interrupt your day to day activities, some items are restricted. Trips beyond the school grounds are restricted. Any groups of students going out of the ground must have an Auror accompany them. This will be the case for trips to Hogsmead and the surrounding hamlets. This will also be the same for any school trips." Many of the older students didn't like this and started booing. She lifted her hand and tried to quiet them down. "I know how frustrating this can be however, this is necessary for your safety. If anyone has a concern or is worried about their safety, or even just has a question, they can ask any Auror around the grounds. Or you can come straight to me. I will be around during your lessons and I will have my own office just a few doors down from the Headmistress' Office. Please do not hesitate to speak to me, especially if you are scared or worried. Hogwarts is our home and we want you to feel safe in your home. You will have an amazing year and accomplish many things."
Students started clapping along with the teachers.
Andrea turned to Professor Weasley who said to her, "Would you like to do it?".
Andrea smirked and tried to contain her excitement. She turned to the students for the last time.
"Let the feast begin" She raised both her hands forward and the feast magically appeared on the long tables for each house. Students cheered whilst many of the 1st years gasped.
Everyone started eating excitedly.
Andrea seated herself with the teachers and started her meal. She felt confident that the students would do well this year but may not listen to the new rules.

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