Chapter 4

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Andrea and Sebastian arrived back at Hogwarts. They made their way out of the fireplace without saying a word. They just stood there. Professor Weasley had been waiting for them, she knew immediately something was wrong. She got out of her chair and walked towards them.
"What has happened?" She asked apprehensively. She looked over to Andrea first who had lowered her head, so the professor knew she wouldn't get an answer from her. So she turned to Sebastian and raised her eyebrow.
Without hesitation, Sebastian answered. "Andrea took it upon herself to dispose of Victor Rookwood; in front of the entire Wizengamot and the Minister of Magic!" He said, sounding vexed towards Andrea, crossing his arms and facing her directly. Andrea didn't respond but did glare at him, mirroring him with her arms crossed.
Professor Weasley's face straightened. "What do you mean by dispose?"
Sebastian was still glaring at Andrea who remained silent but confident in her stance. Professor Weasley realised she didn't require an answer, she already knew. "Well," she gently coughed, "Why don't you both return to your chambers and rest. It must have been a long day."
Andrea stepped out first, without saying goodbye. Sebastian ran after her. She had reached the faculty tower before he caught up with her.
As they got to the faculty tower door, he moved swiftly to get in front of her, blocking her way. She lifted her head and looked up at him, staring icily. He began to walk forward, causing Andrea to stumble backwards.
"What the fuck were you thinking?!" He took a step forward "In front of the Council?" He took another step. Andrea kept looking behind her so she didn't trip. Sebastian continued to step forward. "And the Minister!?" And another step. "Why did you do that?" They had almost reached the adjacent wall. Sebastian took a deep breath and shouted "WHY?!". Startling Andrea, she hit her head against the wall. She looked up at him and used her hand to check the back of her head. She could feel her blood beginning to boil. She clenched her fists and tried to hold it in. He shouted again "WHY?!". She just couldn't keep it in any longer.
She lunged forward, surprising Sebastian. She pushed at his chest forcing him back, as she screamed "For YOU! I did it for fucking you!". She kept pushing and pushing until Sebastian hit the wall behind him, back towards the Faculty Tower door.
They both stood for a moment. Andrea was breathing heavily. Sebastian was silent. He simply stared at her, not knowing what to say or do.
Andrea finally spoke. "I did it for you." She said as she looked down at the floor. She then slowly picked up her head and raised her eyes to Sebastian. Her expression had turned. It wasn't remorse, or anger, or upset. Her expression was straight. And, with no emotion, she said "And I would do it a heartbeat".
She pushed past Sebastian before he could answer and walked away. Sebastian just stood still against the wall, shocked. He thought to himself, Why would she do this for me? Why did she do it at all? Why did she have to kill? Even worse, did she enjoyed it?
He thought back to their time at Hogwarts together. He remembered that Andrea found out that Victor was responsible for his sister's condition. Victor was also responsible for kidnapping and trying to kill Andrea on multiple occasions. No wonder she was out for revenge. But he couldn't help but think there was more. He decided that he wouldn't press her on the matter. He walked back to his chamber, pondering.
Andrea returned to her own chambers, slamming the door behind her. She walked towards her mirror and stood staring at her reflection. She placed her wand on the table beside the mirror. She felt dissociated and numb. She took a deep breath and started to undress. She threw her clothes onto the chair and climbed into bed. She wanted this day to end. But she kept thinking about Victor and killing him. A green flash coming from her wand, Victor's face becoming lifeless. It kept playing through her mind on repeat. She stared at the canopy for while before she finally fell asleep.
The next morning was awkward to say the least. The professors had gathered in the Great Hall for breakfast, with many of them discussing the upcoming first day of term. Garreth, Natty, and Poppy were busy eating and talking about their lesson plans. Sebastian walked down the hall and sat beside Garreth. "You were out late mate!" He said, nudging Sebastian's arm. Sebastian didn't say a word. Garreth looked at him again and could see that he hadn't slept and looked terrible.
Garreth looked at Natty and Poppy who also noticed. Both then realised that Andrea wasn't with him. Getting more worried that their friend hadn't returned with Sebastian, Poppy stood up and started walking towards the door to hopefully find Andrea. Before she reached the door, Andrea appeared, pushing the large door gently.
"Oh thank Merlin!" Said Poppy, relieved. She ran to Andrea but as she got closer she realised that Andrea hadn't slept much either and looked just as terrible as Sebastian.
Andrea walked past Poppy saying "I'm fine", and continued down the Great Hall towards where Professor Weasley was sitting. Poppy looked confused as she watched and then returned to her own seat. "What did she say?" Said Natty as Poppy sat back down.
"She said she was fine." They both then turned to Sebastian. "What happened?" Poppy asked him. They all turned towards him, awaiting an answer.
Sebastian was silent for a moment. He then shook his head and said "I think you should be asking her." Looking directly at Andrea who had turned around to look at them. He then got up from his seat and walked out of the Great Hall. Everyone looked confused, first at each other then at Andrea.
Andrea hadn't heard what was said but she knew it was about her. She just continued and started speaking with Professor Weasley.
"Good Morning, Miss Taylor." Said Professor Weasley, completely avoiding any conversation regarding the night before.
"Good Morning, Professor. I hoped to discuss the on-going security with you today. I want to ensure that we have everything in order before the start of term." Andrea was well aware of her friends watching her and tried to avoid making any eye contact.
"Of course, come and see me later on." Professor Weasley nodded to her and raised her eyebrows at her, as if to say 'Are you alright?'.
Andrea nodded and started to walk away.
"Are you not staying for some breakfast?" asked Professor Weasley.
"I'm not that hungry." Andrea said as she continued to turn and walk away.
She walked past her friends, not saying a word. They all looked bewildered, wondering what had transpired last night. They all knew one thing though, it certainly wasn't good.

Isidora's RevengeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora