Chapter 3

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A week passed since the attack. On day 2, Nurse Blainey moved Andrea to her own chambers where she would be more comfortable. Sebastian did not leave Andrea's side, even sleeping in her chambers. He felt responsible for her, even after what she said, he still cared, he just didn't understand how much yet.
Natty, Poppy and Garreth all took turns watching over Andrea whilst Sebastian slept. They worried for her too. No one knew if she would wake; and even if she did, what state she would be in. Unforgivable curses like Crucio can cause insanity if the victim is subjected to it for too long.
The school year had not yet begun but many professors were worried that Hogwarts would be closed. The Ministry had not yet decided and the attack on Andrea only hesitant their decision.
Professor Weasley visited regularly to ensure Andrea was taken care of. She climbed the stairs of the faculty tower. She knocked gently on Andrea's door and entered. She walked through the parlour area and into the bedchamber. To her surprise, not only was Sebastian staying in the room but Poppy, Natty and Garreth had also stayed. She saw they had make shift beds made up of blankets and pillows to which Poppy and Natty slept, and Garreth was snoring in the large armchair by the window. Sebastian was close to Andrea, propped on a chair with his head resting on Andrea's bed, holding her hand. Professor Weasley chuckled to herself. She gentled placed her hand on Sebastian's shoulder. This did startle him but he soon realised who it was.
"Professor." He said dazed. He rubbed his face.
"Any change?" She asked.
"Not yet, it's been a week." Sebastian was still trying to wake himself up.
Professor Weasley sighed. "Well, I'll get Deek to bring you all some tea and breakfast." She then left.
Sebastian stood from the chair and walked into the parlour, trying to not wake the others. He looked out of the window. To his delight, he could see Highwing circling the faculty tower. 'She must be worried about Andrea' he thought. He continued to stare out of the window and watched the clouds go by. Not realising he had been stand there a while, he started to walk back towards the bed as quietly as possible. The floor creaked which made Garreth wake abruptly, snorting. Garreth's loud snort woke Natty and Poppy who jumped up, startled. Poppy started to laugh, which in turn made Natty laugh, and then Garreth, then Sebastian. They continued to laugh together. They hadn't smiled in days and really needed that moment. Sebastian slowly stopped as he turned to Andrea. As he went over to her bedside, he said "Professor Weasley has already been in. She is sending Deek to get us some breakfast."
Garreth looked embarrassed. "Oh god, did my aunt hear me snoring?"
Poppy snorted and quickly covered her mouth to avoid laughing again. She tried to cover her face with a pillow to stop herself from laughing. Natty giggled silently.
Sebastian shook his head and smiled. He sat himself back on his chair and placed his hand over Andrea and held it tightly. "You're missing all the fun here." He said smiling.
Andrea then squeezed his hand. Sebastian jumped up. "She just squeezed my hand."
The friends gathered round Andrea's bedside. "Andrea... Andrea, can you hear me?" Sebastian asked. She squeezed his hand again. She started to move her head, waking up. She opened her eyes slowly and looking around.
'It was so bright' she thought.
Sebastian was elated. He couldn't contain his smile.
"We'll go find Nurse Blainey" said Poppy and Natty.
"I'll go find my aunt" said Garreth, referring to Professor Weasley.
The three left the room quickly, excited that their friend was awake.
Andrea tried to raise herself from the bed but Sebastian stopped her. "Woah, woah, not too fast."
"Do you remember what happened?" He asked.
Andrea nodded and winced slightly, like she was still in pain or could remember the pain that was inflicted.
She grabbed Sebastian's hand. She looked up at him, knowing she was safe and protected.
She tried to get up again. This time Sebastian didn't stop her. He helped her from the bed. She stumbled slightly and held her head from dizziness. He grabbed her arms and steadied her. Andrea took a deep breath but all she could think about was his grip on her. They walked slowly into the parlour to the same window Sebastian had been gazing out of. Andrea sat in the armchair, with Sebastian kneeling in front of her.
"I am so sorry for what I said. I was scared and I just..." said Andrea as she looked down at the floor. "I must admit, I did hate you. I didn't understand why you broke off our friendship, after everything we went through." She started to get upset.
Sebastian comforted her. "I know, I know." He still didn't know how to response, he didn't truly understand his feelings back then or even now.
As he got up from his knees, his hand accidentally brushed Andrea's leg. She flinched, but not in pain. Andrea swallowed and her breathing got heavier. They looked at each other, deep into each other's eyes. They slowly moved closer as if to kiss but they were interrupted, by a knock at the door. They readjusted themselves quickly to avoid any possibly embarrassing questions. It was Professor Weasley and Garreth with Poppy, Natty and Nurse Blainey close behind.
"Oh thank heavens, we were so worried about you, Miss Taylor" said Professor Weasley.
Nurse Blainey rushed to Andrea's side. She took some time examining her. "Impressive. You seem to have suffered no ill effects from..." she paused and looked at Andrea. "Well you know. I would like to run a few follow up tests, just to be on the safe side. Come and see me when you get a chance" Nurse Blainey then left.
Garreth, Poppy and Natty crowded around Andrea. Poppy and Natty gave her a hug each and expressed their happiness that she was OK. Garreth looked awkwardly.
"Do you feel left out?"Andrea said. She opened her arms and Garreth smiled and ran into her arms.
They all laughed.
Professor Weasley stepped forward. "Andrea, I am glad you are alright. However, there is someone waiting for you in my office. They wish to speak with you."
Everyone stopped and looked at Andrea. Sebastian looked worried and went to her side. "She has just woken. Can this person wait? Is she in trouble?" He asked.
"Sadly, I do not think they will wait and oh good gracious, no." She extended her arm towards the door.
Sebastian grabbed Andrea's arm. "Well, I'm coming with you." He said.
Andrea nodded. She excused herself to get dress into more appropriate clothing and to give herself a small wash. She and Sebastian then followed Professor Weasley, leaving Garreth, Natty and Poppy very confused.

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