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Bright and early the next morning, the girls barged into the other room to wake the three males

Jeonghan had thankfully aldready been awake when the girls came in and therefore didn't have to deal with the girls all blowing air horns in the room

Well technically he did have to hear it, but atleast he didn't have to be woken up by it

San and Mingi had both shot up so quickly that jeonghan had almost choked on his toothpaste and died

Eventually, about an hour later, at 9 am, the six were out of the hotel building and ready to explore around

They first decided to visit this old abandoned shrine which was now an attraction for the town

They had to walk through a path which was almost completely hidden as it was a bit farther away from the main town

It was supposed to be quite warm in the town so jeonghan had worn a sleevless top and some shorts

And he had made such a perfect choice as he watched Mingi struggle with the heat in jeans. He felt bad, but he had warned mingi beforehand so nothing much jeonghan could do

It took them about 10 minutes before they finally saw it; a large stone hexagonal platform with humongous pillars of stone on each corner, all covered with vines

There were various indents all over the platform surrounding what must be the altar in the centre

It was a large stone slab, raised above the ground as several small pedestals were placed around it.

There seemed to be another larger and more square shaped pedestal near the main slab of stone

The whole place had an eerie air surrounding it, but it was interesting nonetheless.

"This is creepy as shit" Yuri said, shuddering as she clung onto Jeonghan's arm causing the male to chuckle

They all were looking around individually as Yuri eventually clung onto Yunseo as the two girls began taking photos of some flowers

Jeonghan eventually walked upto the centre of the shrine where the large slab of stone was

Jeonghan was impressed by how well sculpted the rock was as he could make out some words and images on the sides

Suddenly a strange trail of dried liquid caught his eye. It down one side of the slab

Jeonghan knelt down to examine the strange liquid. It was very weird

It looked a lot like dried blood, but that just couldn't be possible

This shrine was supposed to be abandoned.

But the liquid looked just like dried up blood. Jeonghan was sure

Being an ER resident, jeonghan had seen his fare share of cases. And because of that he could say with almost 100 percent certainty that it was blood

Just as he was about to call out to the others to let them know about his finding, he felt a hand on his shoulder

He turned his head to find mingi standing there with his usual smile "let's go now hannie. We're all pretty hungry" he spoke, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand as jeonghan nodded

Before he even knew it, mingi was dragging him along towards the others as they began to make their way out of the forest

Jeonghan wanted to probe about his discovery but decided against telling anyone in case he was misunderstanding something

They proceeded to have lunch at a diner nearby and the food was so good that jeonghan forgot all about the blood-like liquid

They all had sizzlers which were basically small slabs of stone which were heated to extreme temperatures. The food was then cooked in front of you on it and served

After lunch they all enjoyed some coconut pudding before deciding to return back to the hotel

They all crowded into the mens' room and proceeded to play various games like UNO, truth or dare and a lot more

They even ended up playing 7 minutes in heaven and jeonghan was chosen out of the men

He sighed, entering the bathroom which was the supposed 'heaven' as he waited for who'd accompany him

The door opened a moment later as Yuri's head peaked inside. Jeonghan gave her a small smile, almost grimace like as she closed the door behind her

They heard yunseo say "it's only 7 minutes guys! Don't forget" before the entire room seemingly burst into laughter

"So" jeonghan said, clearing his throat as if that would make it any less awkward

Yuri took a deep breath, closing her eyes before she looked right up at jeonghan "i like you"

Jeonghan couldn't say anything, he was shocked to the core. The girl whom he considered his sister was suddenly confessing to him

Before he could even open his mouth, she cut him off "b-but it's completely okay if you don't like me back. You probably don't anyway. Who'd even ever like me"

Jeonghan cut off Yuri's ramble by holding onto her hands softly "hey hey! Listen to me yuu"

She nodded, flushing a deep shade of red at the fact jeonghan was holding her hands so softly

"I hope this won't ever hinder our current relationship, but I don't see you as anything beyond my younger sister"

Yuri's face fell as her eyes glistened with tears waiting to fall "yuu don't cry, please"

Jeonghan softly wiped away a tear that escaped  her beautiful hazel eyes "I really appreciate that you could like me but I just don't feel anything past platonic for you"

Jeonghan spoke, feeling bad at the obvious sadness his rejection brought to the girl although he tried his best to be as soft-spoken about it

"I'm sorry" he added, just because it felt like the appropriate thing to do

"I-its okay hannie. I knew you'd say this but i just wanted to get it off of my chest" she told him, soft sobs shaking her frame

Jeonghan held his arms open as she crashed into him, sobbing with her head buried in his chest as he ran a gentle hand over her soft chestnut locks

"Time's up bitches!" They heard sarang's booming voice as she banged onto the door

"Coming rangie!" He called out to the girl outside before softly making Yuri face him "wash your face yuu. Come out when you feel like it okay?"

She nodded as he gave her a smile, patting her head softly before he exited the bathroom, joining the four on the floor

"Did you make out? Was there tongue?" San immediately asked as mingi smacked the back of his head

"It's not my position to speak of the matter. It's yuu's choice" jeonghan said as San and Sarang groaned in unison

Yuri came out a few minutes later as the rest of the day went by pretty smoothly

When night fell, they just bought some meat buns from a shop near their hotel and ate them in their rooms as none of them had the energy to go anywhere

jeonghan was pretty certain that Yuri felt awkward around him after the whole rejection thing. He felt bad, he wanted to go back to being just as he was with her before but he knew it would be a while before that happened

after dinner, San and Sarang decided to go get some alcohol for all of them. Jeonghan wanted to tell them against it but stopped himself at the last moment as he took wanted to have some fun

The two brought back cans of beer and the six indulged in alcohol up until about 2 am

By that time Sarang and Yuri had gotten shit drunk and jeonghan had gotten tipsy, so they all decided to go to sleep

Sleep was easier than it had ever been before for jeonghan as he basically passed out as soon as the lights went out

Somewhere in the midst of his sleep, however, he swore he heard a faint knock on the wall from the other side

But his body refused to get up and check what was happening

That ended up being a mistake

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