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The next day jeonghan was awoken to the sound of someone banging on the door of their room

Jeonghan sat up as San went to go open the door, his ash grey hair standing up at all angles

In burst Sarang and Yunseo, both clearly distressed as they tore through the entire room, checking the balcony, the bathroom and even the closet

"What's up with you both?" Mingi asked, fixing his hair

Yunseo turned to the three men, a crazed yet scared expression on her face "Yuri is missing"

The single sentance had all three men, especially jeonghan shoot up and out of their beds "what do you mean she's missing?" Jeonghan asked

Sarang cut in, running a hand through her unkempt hair "she wasn't in bed in the morning so we assumed she must've gotten ready first and headed down for breakfast. But she wasn't there either"

Yunseo continued ahead "we though that maybe she'd be here, so we came to check"

"But she isn't" San said, biting his nails in thought

"Okay let's first calm down. And then we can discuss where she could've gone" jeonghan said, trying to calm the situation

The two girls nodded, taking deep breaths before jeonghan resumed speaking "let's all check the town to see if she's out somewhere. San and mingi, you both file a complaint to the police and I'll help search with the two girls"

Everyone nodded as the three men quickly changed into some decent clothes, brushed their teeth and set off to look for their friend

They all split up after informing the receptionist of the situation and asking whether he knew of anything, he didn't

"Where do we search first?" Yunseo asked as they began looking through the crowd

"Split and search all the alleys. We'll meet back here in like an hour"

Nodding, the two girls split as jeonghan set off in his direction to try to find Yuri

"Yuri!" He called out as he looked through all the alleys near him.

He even asked locals if they'd seen anyone with the description of her, but he had no luck

That was until he asked an old lady sitting by the lake, "excuse me, have you by chance seen a girl with long brown hair and light eyes anywhere? She went missing and can't be found"

The lady's face morphed in shock as she called him to sit down next to her. Jeonghan did, hoping she'd have some clues

"That girl is probably dead by now" the old lady said as jeonghan gasped at
the nonchalant brutality of her words

"How can you say that with so much certainty?" He wondered, hoping to tell whether the lady was mentally stable or not

"The midnight matenza must've taken place. Your friend was likely the victim"

The old lady said, her voice soft as if she'd be done for if anyone heard

"What exactly is this 'Midnight Matanza' " he asked

"Do you believe that vampires and werewolves exist kid?" She asked him as jeonghan felt puzzled at the random question

He was about to say no when she cut him off "you should, they're the ones who took your little friend"

At this point, jeonghan was certain that the woman had lost her marbles for sure. He was just about to get up and leave when she held his hand, stopping him

Midnight MatenzaWhere stories live. Discover now