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Jeonghan wanted to desperately sleep, fatigued with all the running through the rain he did earlier

He could aldready feel a cold coming in, clogging his nose with disgusting mucus

He could hear Sarang aldready sniffling and coughing, making him feel a tad guilty for giving his dear friend a cold

But he thought about worrying about her tomorrow as sleep crept it's way into his body, making his eyes flutter shut

He closed his eyes, sighing as he fell into slumber. Deep slumber


Jeonghan heard noises. Murmurs.

He cracked open his eyes, hoping to tell whoever it was to shut the fuck up and let him sleep

But when he opened his eyes, he went still.

He wasn't in his hotel room. He was outside, as he could tell by the trees and starry night sky

He was about to sit up before his brain began to run and he realised how bad of an idea that could be

Considering that he was outside meant he was probably kidnapped and letting the people know that he was awake when he probably shouldn't be was surely a way to get killed instantly

He realised that he wasn't tied up as he took it as a chance and turned his head to his left side slowly, hoping to get an idea of where he was and also maybe see the faces of his kidnappers

He turned his head to find stone pillars. Huge stone pillars with vines around them


He was at the shrine they'd visited on their first day in town

He looked around and saw everything; the huge tree with large fanning branches, the stone pedestals in a circle

Which also meant that jeonghan was currently laying on the large rectangular slab of stone

Panic flooded his mind at the reminder of the blood trail he'd seen on the first day

Not right now Yoon Jeonghan! Not now

He took a few deep breaths before turning his head to the other side

He almost whimpered at the sight of several cloaked figures

That's when he saw it, ash grey hair

He hoped it was just a coincidence but that's when he heard it, the all too familiar voice he'd heard everyday for the past two years

"San-ah! Are you sure you knocked him out good?" Mingi asked

"Yep! Can't have him waking up on us like the one from yesterday did" San replied back as both of them chortled

Jeonghan held back his tears knowing that the two people he considered his close friends had not only turned out evil but had also been the ones to take his other two friends away from him

"By the way! Weren't we supposed to taste from another girl tonight?" A voice asked

"Yes but she got a cold. And that makes the blood taste all bitter so we picked this one" san replied as ice flowed through Jeonghan's veins

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