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His body was failing him, jeonghan could tell it was by the way his vision started to get all blurry and he kept fazing in and out of consciousness

"No. No. No! You must keep going Yoon Jeonghan!" He mumbled to himself as he stumbled forward through the endless expanse of the empty, desolate road

Just as he was about to give up and accept death, he saw it!

He saw a faint light! And no it wasn't the light you are supposed to see at the end of your life, the one which welcomes you into heaven. (Not like he'd ever get into heaven anyway)

It looked to him like the lights of a house.

That caused him to immediately pick up his pace, using the last of his strength to get to wherever the light was coming from

He eventually reached two large metal gates and a sign up front;

Shadowfield Manor

Jeonghan pushed open the large gates, which proved white difficult due to the fact he was injured. But he managed to open it wide enough to let himself inside the property

"Holy fuck" he said, marvelling the building in front of him. It was a rustic yet modern mansion, made of dark stone and foliage which covered parts of it.

It was tall, presumably four storied. He wanted to check if there was anything in the back but he was out of strength and just wanted to rest

He wanted to try and get inside the house before his body lost strength, but it was aldready too late

His body was slowly shutting down as he slowly lowered himself onto the ground

His eyes began to close as at the back of his mind, he wondered if he would ever wake up from this sleep

Or if today would be the day he was pulled down into the fiery pits of hell by small devils with pitchforks. (quite the imagination he has even when he's about to pass out)


When Jeonghan woke up, he honestly felt happy that he had not died, but he had zero idea what time it was or what day it was. He could only guess that it had been a couple hours as the sun was only just rising

He rose to his feet, very much aware of the countless injuries he had as his entire body felt like it was being pierced by a million needles every time he even breathed

Slowly and definitely in a wobbly fashion, jeonghan made his way to the massive ass door of the manor/castle thing

He saw what looked like a gold plate on the left side of the main door which read;

Property of Choi

Jeonghan realised that whoever this choi was, he must be the owner of the manor as he tried to knock on the door

No one replied so he tried once more but with more force in case he had knocked too softly

But the seemingly heavy door creaked open, startling Jeonghan a tad bit as with much caution, he entered inside.

Jeonghan hadn't even realised that it was cold outside until he stepped foot inside the warm and cosy atmosphere of the house

"Hello?" He called out, hoping someone could help him with his injuries "I-uh need medical help please!" He called out once more but he was met with only silence

He walked down the corridor, seeing a small room to his right which looked like a shoe closet

Upon seeing nobody inside, he walked further and saw what looked like the living room on his left. But no one was there either

Further to his right was presumably the kitchen as he poked his head inside "hello?" He called out again

"Where the fuck are the people in this house" he mumbled to himself while walking further through the house

He came across another room which was pitch dark. Darker than even the rest of the house

He patted the pockets of his shorts to try to find his phone but if wasn't there.

Sighing, he searched around for a light switch before he eventually found one. He flicked on the light as a small yellow glow light up the room

He walked inside the room, seeing several glass shelves and cabinets filled with what looked like antique artifacts.

On the other wall, he could see several photo frames upon a wall. He walked upto them as he began to inspect them

There were thirteen of them, each with a name plate under them. They read;

Choi Seungcheol, Hong Jisoo, Wen Junhui, Kwon Soonyoung, Jeon Wonwoo, Lee Jihoon, Lee Seokmin, Kim Mingyu, Xu Minghao, Boo Seungkwan, Vernon Hansol Chwe, Lee Chan

"I guess this seungcheol dude is the owner of this place" Jeonghan thought to himself as he observed the faces of each person

He suddenly felt a gust of wind as if someone passed by him. He turned in the direction of where the wind blew to, but found no one

"Aw fuck nah!" He whispered to himself as he walked outside of the room and back into the hallway

Suddenly the light in the room he was in shut off, leaving him in complete darkness as the once sun lit house was now dark

Something pushed him by the shoulder in the dark as jeonghan gasped, turning around to try to find who it was

That's when he was pushed once more as he got knocked into the wall, grunting at the pain he felt once more in his abdomen

He was hyperventilating. His head was throbbing and his vision was getting blurry

Slowly, he lowered himself onto the floor, closing his eyes as he took deep breaths to try to calm himself down

Once his brain was back and working, he realised that what was happening right now was the same thing san and Mingi did when they were trying to capture him

Were they back for him aldready? Did they find him aldready? Was he going to die?

No! He forced himself to calm down as he crawled along the floor, receiving a kick in the stomach from the darkness as he grunted in pain

But he continued until his hand reached a door handle as he opened the door with all his force

He crawled inside, closing the door behind him as he realised he was inside a bathroom

He leaned back against the farthest wall from the door, closing his eyes as he tried to lessen the pain in his abdomen

Just as he thought he was safe, the door slammed open and a figure stepped inside

But since it was dark inside the bathroom, jeonghan could only see a pair of silver eyes

The last thing jeonghan remembered was the figure approaching him before he fell onto the floor of the bathroom

Just before jeonghan went unconscious, he heard a voice ask "what should we do with him cheol?"

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