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Jeonghan almost dropped his cup of disgusting and heavily watered down coffee when he heard a banging on the door so loud that he was sure whoever was on the other side would break it down

He opened the door for he was the closest to it

When he did, he was met with the sight of a disheveled sarang, shaking with tears streaming down her face

"R-rangie?" Jeonghan said, hoping what he was thinking of wouldn't be the truth

But Sarang just nodded, falling into jeonghan as she wailed with her entire heart

Jeonghan went still, unable to process the truth

Yunseo was missing too

"What's wrong han?" San asked as jeonghan managed to numbly pull Sarang inside and have both of them sit down

Mingi and San took one look at the sobbing Sarang as understanding struck their faces, features pinching in frustration and pain

Mingi patted her shoulder in hopes of helping her calm down but it just made the girl cry harder

Mingi's eyes widened in guilt as he took his hand away, scratching a non-existent itch on his head as he looked anywhere but at Sarang

"You both go try to find them" jeonghan spoke. It was a command of sorts, not a request. They knew better than to anger jeonghan as the man could be pretty terrifying

Both San and Mingi nodded, making quick way out of the room

By that time, Sarang's cries had dwindled down to sniffles as jeonghan pulled her further into his embrace

She sighed, a million unspoken words in that one exhalation of breath

"Do you want to take a walk outside to help clear your mind?" Jeonghan asked, making his voice sound as soft as possible despite wanting to scream his lungs out till his throat went sore

"Sure I guess" she numbly said as jeonghan helped her up before giving her one of his shirts to wear as the girl had showed up on their door in only a pajama shirt and shorts

She changed into the shirt in the bathroom before the two set out to take a walk

Jeonghan texted mingi of their plan before they set off.

Somehow, someway, both of them ended up by the river bank as they walked alongside it

That's when Jeonghan saw the same old lady from the previous day. They were walking past her when she spoke soft enough for only jeonghan to hear "seems like another one is gone"

Jeonghan wanted to ask her more questions but he didn't, worried he'd freak sarang out more than she aldready was

Sarang suddenly spotted a growth of flowers, the same ones she and Yuri had taken pictures with on their first day

She picked one flower, holding it in her palm as she pressed it against her chest solemnly

Jeonghan could just watch his friend struggle with the disappearance of her best friend. Yuri had always been closer to Sarang than Yunseo.

They both just walked around for a while before deciding to sit underneath a large tree and taking rest

Jeonghan sighed, leaning his head back against the bark of the tree as he felt Sarang rest her head against his shoulder

He let her, letting his mind drift into thoughts as he stared up at the sky and watched the clouds

He wondered what he did, or rather his friends did to just up and disappear on them

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