episode three

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  The cafeteria echoed with loud noises, the smell of food making me hungry as I walked in. I quickly got in line and grabbed a plate of food, then looking to see where my friends were. I then saw Aiden standing on a chair, waving at me with a grin on his face, then Ben trying to pull him down. I let out a small laugh and made my way towards the table.

  I sat in the middle of Aiden and Ashlyn where Aishlyn had saved me a seat. She didn't really like Aiden much and she knew I did, and she was more than happy to not have to sit by the enthusiastic boy. Ben slumped down on the table while Logan and Taylor ate their food. Aiden played with his while Tyler just stared. Ashlyn let out a sigh and I ate a French fry. It was awkward. Very awkward. I felt Tyler glancing at me out the corner of my eye, and I ate another fry.

   "I think we should go back to Savannah." Tyler said suddenly, looking around the table, breaking the silence. Logan paused eating his mashed potatoes and we all looked up.

   "I thought everyone agreed it was too dangerous..." he brought up quietly, fidgeting in his seat. Tyler continued.

  "So what? We're just supposed to let things stay like they are?" he continued, annoyed. Ashlyn interrupted.

  "I'd rather be semi-stuck than permanently stuck," she pointed out and I nodded in agreement. She was right.

   "Well maybe if you would have told us the truth from the beginning, we wouldn't be stuck at all!" Tyler countered, raising his voice. This couldn't possibly end well.

   "I already explained why I didn't-" Ashlyn stated through gritted teeth, getting annoyed. I butt in.

   "Aren't you one to talk, Tyler?" I sigh. "You're the one who brushed it off as a prank and walked off." Tyler had the smallest look of disbeleif on his face when he saw me speak up, as if he couldn't believe I had said anything against him. Why? I don't know. We weren't that close. Me and his sister, maybe, but I've only spoken to Tyler a few times since I've been at this school. Aiden continued for me, agreeing.

   "If she had said anything," he used to eat a French fry. "Would you have even believed her? With your personality, I seriously doubt it," Aiden stated with a smug look on his face, seeming to give Tyler a look that only the two of them could understand. This made Tyler angrier. He slammed his lunch tray down and we all jumped in shock.

   "Wether I would have believed it or not, she should have said something!" he shouted, and people started in our direction. Taylor looked around nervously, Logan doing the same right beside her. Tyler continued, seeming to not care about his surroundings.

   "Now were stuck in some demonic dimension running away from flesh-eating deadly creatures," Tyler's voice grew louder and more people looked over.

  "Tyler, that's enough-" I started quietly, but he cut me off, not listening.

   "I've lost count how many near-death experiences I've had, none of us has slept in days, we can't tell our parents anyth-" getting frusterated, Ben slammed his fist down on the lunch table, causing everyone to jump once more. Tyler went silent. Ben silently raised his pointer finger up to his lip, signaling at Tyler to keep it down. Tyler looked at him, out of breath from his outburst, not realizing the scene he had made. He sat down, shaking.

   "If we don't go back to Savannah where this cycle begun..." he continued quieter. "Then what else are we supposed to do?"

   We all glance around the table at each other.

   "If we go back, we could find a solution," I  say, thinking. "Or, we could make things worst. Is it really worth the risk?"


~Two weeks ago~

   I panted, out of breath. I punched the punching bag a few more times, kicking every now and then, before I heard my alarm go off. I paused the music from my phone and took out my airpods, grabbing my bag hurriedly. The bus! I can't be late for the first day of school. My parents had gifted me with a car before they left for their trip, but I wouldnt be able to get my lisence for another week. I was stuck with the bus for now.

   I quickly grab my bag and run outside to the end of my driveway, the bus down the street. I couldn't wait to see my best friend, Ashlyn again. It's been a week since we've hung out. I had thrown on a Nike hoodie with some black jeans, along with my favorite pair of black converse. I walk on the bus, excited to see my best friend. I spot her red hair from the front of the bus. She looked at me with a help me expression on her face. I then see who's sitting behind her...

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