16. investigation

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"Okay guys, brace yourselves," Hwayoung says as the four of us get into the run down room. There was absolutely no security in here. Anyone could break in easily without a single noise.

We open the door to...almost nothing.

"How does he live like this?" she gasps softly, bringing her hand to her mouth. All that was there was a mattress that was way beyond the point of repair and a broken dresser. The building itself was almost in shambles and I could only imagine what the condition of the bathroom was like.

"I guess the only good thing here is that it'll be a quick search," Hyunjin says, shrugging. My eyes immediately latch on to the peculiar assortment of objects lying on top of the dresser. I look closer and find all sorts of things, ranging from a wallet to even buttons. It was really weird.

"Hey, this is Jake's tie!" I suddenly exclaim. He was the only person who would wear a necktie with a pineapple print to work. Plus, his initials were stitched on to the back of the cloth.

"There's a key to a Honda Civic here. There's no such car downstairs and seeing the condition of the place, I don't think Jeongin is in a position to afford one," Hyunjin says.

"The one at the gas station was a Honda Civic too," Hwayoung remarks, putting a finger to her chin in thought.

"Do you think he collects items that belonged to his victims?" Jisung asks. It was a sensible inference. I mean, there's even a set of cutlery which had the logo of the diner engraved on it.

"Maybe he keeps them like trophies or something. This is giving me chills," Hyunjin thinks out loud. As much as I didn't want to believe it, it seemed like the only rational reason why he'd proudly have them on display.

"This drawer is full of lighters," Hwayoung says, peering into it curiously. I peek in and notice that they're all identical : sliver and engraved with wings. Just like at the gas station and diner.

"If there's lighters, there must be something he lights up too," I say as I rummage through the drawers.

"Aha! I knew there would be something," I say, shining my flashlight into the drawer. My face slightly falls at the sight.

"This has to be marijuana," I say, l analyzing all the materials inside. I pick up some evidence bags and put them inside. This could be vital to the investigation.

"There's quite a lot of work uniforms," Jisung says. "He was probably working multiple jobs."

"If he's working these many jobs, shouldn't he be able to afford a place which is at least slightly more decent? Proper housing is always the first priority," Hyunjin says.

"It must be the drugs. They're illegal and expensive. Seeing his stash, I suspect there must be some sort of substance abuse involved," Hwayoung remarks.

"It's so easy for kids to get influenced by these things. This could possibly turn our investigation around," I say. It feels like we're digging deeper and deeper the more we try to end the case.

Who are you, Yang Jeongin?


"Good morning, Jeongin," I faintly hear from somewhere around me as I stir in the sheets. I open my eyes and find myself surrounded by white, a faint smell of antiseptic prevalent in the air. Was I in a hospital?

"Where am I? Who are you?" I ask.

"I am Doctor Kim Seungmin. You can just call me Seungmin. You've been here for a few days due to a concussion."

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