18. the last trial

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"That is all, Your Honor," Minho finishes, returning to his seat. Months of sleepless nights and several trials have boiled down to this moment. I tap my feet restlessly on the floor as the minutes pass by. The entire court was waiting with bated breath for the Judge's verdict.

The judge finally speaks after a while, silencing the entire room.

"After carefully considering the evidence presented and the recommendations of medical experts, the court has decided that the defendant, Yang Jeongin, be taken into a psychiatric facility for treatment and rehabilitation till he he is deemed to no longer be of danger to himself or others. This decision is made in the best interest of public safety as well as Mr. Yang's well-being, with the hope of facilitating his eventual reintegration into society as a productive member. Court is adjourned," Judge Kim declares, getting up from his seat as we do the same. Murmurs immediately break out in the room.

We look at each other with our eyes widened. We spent almost a year on his case and it was actually over.

"I don't know why, but this is making me emotional for some reason," Hyunjin says, wiping the corner of his eye. I could understand him because I felt the same.

Jeongin gets up from his seat, a tear falling down his cheek as security personnel approach him to escort him out.

"Wait, please give me a minute," he says to the officers.

"Thank you for being an amazing defense attorney, Mr. Lee. You really looked badass in there. Made me wish I had finished my education and did something useful in my life," he says, hugging Minho. Minho hugs him back tenderly, as if he was his own younger brother.

"You're lucky you didn't get a life sentence. Recover quick and well, kiddo," he says, ruffling his hair. Jeongin turns to us.

"I'm so sorry Hwayoung. I still don't know what I did apart from what you said, but if I've ever hurt any of you I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I know it's not going to be fun living in a hospital for God knows how long and that I deserve way worse for my crimes, but I want to believe that I will come out as a better person one day. Thank you for giving me this chance," Jeongin says with a smile. It was sad, but full of hope.

"I'm going to miss you," Hwayoung says, tearing up. It was weird how even while knowing the crimes he committed, it was impossible to hate him. He really was a good kid, ruined by a terrible childhood.

Jeongin had taken the initiative to acknowledge his offenses and face the consequences, even though he still had no recollection of what he did. I would say it was because he was scared. Scared of what his other self was capable of doing. Scared of the fact that he had no idea what was going on within his own mind and body.

"Should we go get something to eat? I think we could all use it," Jisung suggests. A somber feeling painted our moods right now, but I couldn't be happier for the boy that he would receive treatment instead of being subjected to the deeper depths of depression that is prison.


"Is something bothering you, Hwa?" Felix asks as we leave the courtroom. He probably noticed me clutching my stomach when the trial was going on.

"It's just my period. I'm feeling a little dizzy from the pain. I didn't eat anything in the morning because I was so stressed and I'm seriously regretting it now," I say, shaking my head. He thinks for a moment before placing his arms behind my back and thigh and lifting me up bridal style.

"Lix! What are you doing?" I hiss, hitting his chest.

"Do you prefer to fall down the stairs in this condition and possibly dislocate your knees?" He sasses back.


"We can sleep in at my place and have some ice cream after lunch. Sounds good?" He suggests. My lips tug up in a smile and I nod, holding on to him by the back of his neck.

"Ahem, we're still here," Hyunjin coughs. He looks to his side to find Jisung gone.

"Who's we?" I snicker when I spot said man with his boyfriend a few steps behind us. Minho kisses Jisung on the cheek, leaving him blushing like a tomato.

"This is not fair! You guys make me feel so single all the time," Hyunjin groans. He stops in his tracks when he sees a certain doctor walk out of court, staring at him in awe.

"You have the fattest crush on Seungmin, don't you?" Felix smirks. Hyunjin snaps out of his daze.

"What? No! I don't like Seungmin like that!" He gets defensive, not knowing the topic of conversation was approaching us.

"You don't? I'm disappointed," Seungmin clicks his tongue, standing right behind him. His eyes widen and he freezes in his place.

"Please don't tell me you heard that," Hyunjin says, looking away in embarrassment. "Wait, why are you disappointed?"

"Because I like you. Too bad for me you don't feel the same," he shrugs and walks away casually.

"No wait, don't go," he says and Seungmin turns around with a smirk, knowing he was about to get what he wanted. Felix and I look at each other, totally impressed.

"This guy has got game," I say mouth agape.

"The person carrying you is your boyfriend, in case you forgot," Felix says.

"You're so jealous," I tease him. Next to us, Hyunjin was fighting for his life to get the right words out of his mouth.

"Ugh fine, I like you. What do you wanna do about it now?" He says with a raised eyebrow, resting his hands on his hips.

"Oh, we're going to play like that now?" Seungmin challenges back. Jisung and Minho appear next to me.

"I have no idea what's going on here but there's too much sexual tension between the doc and the detective," Minho says, eyeing them suspiciously.

"I know right? I already ship them," I whisper back.

"Guys, just fuck already," Jisung says out in a bored tone. Both of them instantly whip their heads toward him, turning pink.

"I'm just kidding. Get to know each other properly first. Don't tell me you still haven't exchanged numbers?" He says in a judgemental tone.

"Almost a year ago, we were in the same court having the same conversation. You've grown up, I'm proud of you," I say, laughing at the memory of Jisung forgetting how to function properly when Minho asked him out.

"Well then, in honor of closing Case 143, why don't we all join for dinner and drinks tonight?" Minho suggests.

"Attention everyone, Lee Minho will be sponsoring our dinner since he's the oldest. Let's make some noise for him!" Felix yells and we cheer.

"You were so close to being my favorite," he sighs.

"Hey, what about me?" Jisung interrupts, frowning at him. Minho pecks him on the lips.

"You're my number one," he says, winking at Jisung. We groan.

"Old man is too smooth with the rizz. All the ladies watch out, he's coming for your heart," Hyunjin dramatically announces to no one in particular, earning chuckles from everyone.

This is how things should stay forever.

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